
Warren Dennis Segraves


Segraves, Warren Dennis

Personal Information

Birth/Death:    AIA notified of decease March 1978
Occupation:    American architect
Location (state):    AR

This record has not been verified for accuracy.

AIA Affiliation

Member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) 1958-decease

Biographical Sources

American Architects Directories:
Biographical listing in 1962 American Architects Directory
Biographical listing in 1970 American Architects Directory

Related Records

Archival Holdings

The American Institute of Architects Archives
      Membership file may contain membership application, related correspondence. Contact the AIA Archives at archives@aia.org for further information.
Special Collections, University of Arkansas Libraries
Segraves, Warren D MC 1186
Warren D. Segraves (1925-1973) was a Fayetteville, Arkansas, architect who designed many public buildings in the area, including the previous Fayetteville Public Library, SWEPCO Division Office Building, and the Unitarian Fellowship Meeting Hall. He also designed numerous private residences in the region. He graduated from the University of Arkansas School of Architecture in 1953 and established his own architectural firm in Fayetteville in 1956. A finding aid for the collection is available at: http://libinfo.uark.edu/specialcollections/findingaids/segraves.html
For more information, http://libinfo.uark.edu/specialcollections/
