

Kenneth S. Wing (1901-1986)


Wing, Kenneth S.

Personal Information

Birth/Death:    b. 22 Jan. 1901 - d. 29 Dec. 1986
Occupation:    American architect
Location:    Long Beach, CA

AIA Affiliation

Member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) 1938-decease
Fellow of the American Institute of Architects (FAIA) 1953

Biographical Sources

American Architects Directories:
Address listed in 1956 American Architects Directory
Biographical listing in 1962 American Architects Directory
Biographical listing in 1970 American Architects Directory

Related Records

Partner of Edward A. Killingsworth
Father of Kenneth Smith Wing, Jr.

Archival Holdings

The American Institute of Architects Archives
      Membership file contains membership application, Fellowship nomination, photo provided for Fellowship publicity, chapter transfer, and notification of death. Letters in support of Fellowship nomination have been scanned as a separate file. Photographs of works submitted with membership applications or Fellowship nominations were returned to the applicant at the time.

Architecture & Design Collection, Art Design & Architecture Museum, University of California Santa Barbara
      Kenneth Wing Collection. For more information
