

Edward Everett MacBride (1888-1967)


MacBride, Edward Everett

Personal Information

Birth/Death:    1888-1967; AIA notified of decease August 1968
Occupation:    American architect
Location:    Chicago, IL

AIA Affiliation

Member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) 1921-decease

Biographical Sources

American Architects Directories:
Address listed in 1956 American Architects Directory
Address listed in 1962 American Architects Directory

Related Records

Archival Holdings

The American Institute of Architects Archives
      Membership file contains membership application, correspondence on retirement status.
      The addresses in the AIA's membership directory, the Annuary, show where he worked in the 1920s-1930s. His address in the 1922-1923 Annuary (which was published at the beginning of 1922) is given as 1101-64 East Van Buren Street, Chicago. This is the same address as R. W. Zimmerman (W. Carbys Zimmerman is listed at 64 East Van Buren Street). Nothing changes in the 1923-24 Annuary. Starting with the 1924-25 Annuary, the firm name was given in parentheses for principals. From the 1924-25 Annuary through the 1929-30 Annuary, MacBride's address is 212 East Superior Street, Chicago; R. W. Zimmerman at 212 East Superior with the firm name Zimmerman, Saxe and Zimmerman. MacBride's address in the 1930-31 and 1931-32 Annuary is 11th floor, 430 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago; R. W. Zimmerman has that address with the firm name, Zimmerman, Saxe and Zimmerman; W. Carbys Zimmerman has the same address but in place of the firm name he is marked "retired." After 1931, the Annuary was not published every year. The next edition, the 1934-35 Annuary, has both MacBride and R. W. Zimmerman at the same North Michigan address, and both now show the firm name Zimmerman, Saxe and MacBride. (W. Carbys Zimmerman died in 1932).
