William M. Ingemann (1897-1980)
Ingemann, William M.
Personal Information
Birth/Death: b. 04 March 1897 – d. 15 February 1980
Occupation: American architect
Location: St. Paul, MN
AIA Affiliation
Member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) 1947-1953
Biographical Sources
American Architects Directories:
Biographical listing in 1956 American Architects Directory
Biographical Information:
Contributed by Northwest Architectural Archives, University of Minnesota Libraries, Minneapolis
William Ingemann was born in St. Paul in 1897 and educated at the University of Minnesota (1915-1922) and the American Academy in Rome. He served in World War I as an ambulance driver and as an engineer for Belgian reconstruction carried out by the American Red Cross. Early in his career as an architect in New York City, he was associated with Cass Gilbert (1921-1922) and Electus Litchfield (1922-1926). In 1926 Ingemann opened an office in St. Paul. He married Dorothy Brink, also of St. Paul, in 1927, and her background as an artist and architect was employed as renderer in Ingemann's office from 1927 to 1936. Many of the finest renderings and sketches in the collection are by Ms. Ingemann but are unsigned. During World War II, Ingemann served as a major in the Army Air Corps and after the war was in partnership with St. Paul architect Milton Bergstedt until 1958. Ingemann maintained his own office until retiring in 1961. He moved to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico in 1965 and died there on February 15, 1980.
Ingemann's practice included hospitals, churches, residences, and public buildings. Equally important were his designs of college buildings at the University of Minnesota, Gustavus Adolphus College (St. Peter, Minnesota), Augsburg College (Minneapolis), Concordia College (Moorhead, Minnesota), and Hamline University (St. Paul).
Related Records
William M. Ingemann and Milton V. Bergstedt (firm)
Partner and spouse of Dorothy Brink Ingemann
Partner of Milton Victor Bergstedt
Archival Holdings
The American Institute of Architects Archives
Membership file may contain membership application, related correspondence. Membership files of living persons are not available. Contact the AIA Archives at archives@aia.org for further information.
Archival Holdings
Northwest Architectural Archives, University of Minnesota Libraries, Minneapolis
William Ingemann papers (N 67)
Collection contains preliminary and working drawings for approximately 230 structures designed by architect William Ingemann, in addition to business records, personal correspondence, photographs and a scrapbook, Ingemann's published articles and a copy of his book, Minor Architecture of Worcestershire.
For more information https://www.lib.umn.edu/naa