

Ernest C. Haley (1867-1954)


Haley, Ernest C.

Personal Information

Birth/Death:     b. 9/25/1867; d. 7/2/1954
Occupation:    American architect
Location (state):    MN

AIA Affiliation

Not a member of the AIA.

Biographical Sources

Biographical Information:
Contributed by Northwest Architectural Archives, University of Minnesota Libraries, Minneapolis
Ernest C. Haley was born on September 25, 1867 in Malone, New York. He was the son of architect Joseph Haley. The family moved to Minneapolis when Ernest was a child and he studied architecture with his father. The Haley's were responsible for residential and business construction in Minneapolis and Montevideo, Minnesota at the turn of the century. Ernest C. Haley died on July 2, 1954.

Related Records

Archival Holdings

Northwest Architectural Archives, University of Minnesota Libraries, Minneapolis Ernest C. Haley collection (N 218)
       Collection contains blueprints for the Tri-State Telephone Building (Minneapolis, MN), designed by architect Ernest C. Haley.
       For more information https://www.lib.umn.edu/naa
