

John Marvin Freese (1859-1911)


Freese, John Marvin

Personal Information

Birth/Death:    1859-1911
Occupation:    American architect
Location:    Columbus, OH

AIA Affiliation

Fellow of the Western Association of Architects 1886-1889
Member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) 1889-1905
Fellow of the American Institute of Architects (FAIA) 1889. (On the merger of the Western Association of Architects with The American Institute of Architects in 1889, all AIA members were made Fellows because WAA members were known as Fellows.)

Biographical Sources

Biographical Note
Contributed by Mr. Freese's great-grand-niece Cecilia K. Eppink, Cleveland, OH, in 2011:
John Marvin Freese
Born August 16, 1859, Cleveland, Ohio, son of John F. Freese and Louisa Schmitt Freese
Served as Sgt. Co. C1, Regt. U.S. 1, United States Army
Died May 7, 1911, Columbus, Ohio, buried Woodland Cemetery, Cleveland, Ohio
Packard & Yost Architects, Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Hall & Freese Architects, Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Designed and built Franklin Park Conservatory, Columbus, Ohio, in 1895.

Related Records

Archival Holdings

The American Institute of Architects Archives
     There is no information in the AIA Archives other than the fact of his membership.
