Citation and Use

Citation and Use

The information and AIA Archives materials available in the AIA Historical Directory are for research and study purposes only. If you wish to use the information and/or brief quotes from the materials in your writing, you should follow the usual fair-use guidelines for copyrighted works, and cite the source as shown below.

You may not reproduce materials for publication or exhibit without permission from the AIA Archives. For permission forms for reproduction or for quoting large sections of these materials, contact the archivist at archives@aia.org 

Also, please note that the AIA does not own the copyright to everything in the AIA Archives. For example, copyright to a photograph from an Architects’ Roster Questionnaire is owned by the original photographer (or his/her heirs). The photographer’s permission would be required in order to reproduce the photo in a book.

Citing a record in the AIA Historical Directory or citing AIA Archives materials

The following examples show citations to an architect’s record in the AIA Historical Directory, or to the scanned archival materials that are linked to the architect’s record. The section of the record that has links to the AIA Archives holdings will tell you what AIA Archives records have been scanned. In the case of an individual architect this is normally (but not always) Membership Files. For a firm, it is usually Architects’ Roster Questionnaire.

The unique ahd number for the specific record shown in the page title should be included, to ensure correct identification among architects with the same name. For example, there are five Arthur Browns listed in the AIA Historical Directory.

Do NOT use the URL of the pdf scan of the materials. That link will not work on its own. Always use the URL of the AIA Historical Directory page.

Chicago Manual of Style, examples for footnotes

The AIA Historical Directory of American Architects, s.v. “Brown, Arthur Thomas,” (ahd1005300), https://aiahistoricaldirectory.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AHDAA (accessed Nov. 6, 2018).

Brown, Arthur Thomas, Membership Files, The American Institute of Architects Archives, The AIA Historical Directory of American Architects, s.v. “Brown, Arthur Thomas,” (ahd1005300), https://aiahistoricaldirectory.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AHDAA (accessed Nov. 6, 2018).

DuBois, D. Burr to The Jury of Fellows, A.I.A., Oct. 24, 1960, in Brown, Arthur Thomas, Membership Files, The American Institute of Architects Archives, The AIA Historical Directory of American Architects, s.v. “Brown, Arthur Thomas,” (ahd1005300), https://aiahistoricaldirectory.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AHDAA (accessed Nov. 6, 2018).

Tyler, Ketcham & Myers, Architects’ Roster Questionnaire, 1946, The American Institute of Architects Archives, The AIA Historical Directory of American Architects, s.v. “Tyler, Ketcham & Myers,” (ahd4005487), https://aiahistoricaldirectory.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AHDAA (accessed April 4, 2019).

MLA Style and Guide, examples of works cited

“Arthur Thomas Brown,” ahd1005300. The AIA Historical Directory of American Architects. The American Institute of Architects Archives, 2010. Web. 6 Nov. 2018.

Brown, Arthur Thomas. Membership Files. The American Institute of Architects Archives. The AIA Historical Directory of American Architects: ahd1005300. Web. 6 Nov. 2018.

Tyler, Ketcham & Myers. Architects’ Roster Questionnaire. 1946. The American Institute of Architects Archives. The AIA Historical Directory of American Architects: ahd4005487. Web. 4 April 2019.