The AIA Historical Directory of American Architects Home

A Resource Guide to finding information about past architects

♦ Due to building construction, AIA Archives materials have gone into storage as of October 2022.

♦ Requests for scans of files cannot be filled until materials return from storage in late summer 2025.

The AIA Historical Directory helps you locate information about U.S. architects from the 19th and 20th centuries in the AIA Archives and elsewhere.

For how to cite AIA Archives materials from the AIA Historical Directory, see Citation and Use.

What’s in the AIA Historical Directory?

  • Names of all national-level AIA members up to 1978
  • Years of membership until 1978
  • Does NOT include members who joined after 1978
  • Digitized files from the AIA Archives (example: Francis Abreu and note Related Records link to Abreu & Robinson with other digitized files)
  • What might be in their AIA Archives file, if it isn’t digitized yet—you can request it to be scanned if the person is deceased
  • References to their entries in biographical directories (example: Jamieson Parker)
  • Links to other archives which hold the architect’s papers and drawings (example: Irving F. Morrow)
  • Names of non-member architects who appear in directories or other archives
  • Names of firms that appear in directories, in other archives, or in the AIA Archives

Full text of all three editions of American Architects Directory: 1956  1962  1970

Architects Roster Questionnaires filled out by over 1,000 firms in 1946-1953

What’s not in the AIA Historical Directory?

  • Does NOT include lists of buildings
  • Does NOT include information about specific buildings
  • Is NOT a directory to current architects in practice

More about the AIA Historical Directory

The AIA Historical Directory of American Architects grows weekly as additional requests are received and AIA Archives materials are scanned.

For more information contact the AIA Archives at

Find Names

Click on the first two letters of the last name of the person you wish to find.

Firm names are alphabetized using the surnames or first significant word. (For example, "Birge M. Clark & Walter S. Stromquist" is under Cl for Clark; "The Office of D. Wentworth Wright" is under Wr for Wright; "The Design Group" is under De for Design; and RTKL is under Rt.)

Firm names under a particular surname such as Clark are listed after all the persons with the surname Clark.

Most of the entries in the AIA Historical Directory are persons, not firms, because architects join the AIA as individuals.