

Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959)


Wright, Frank Lloyd

Personal Information

Birth/Death:    (1867-1959)
Occupation:    American architect
Location (state):    IL; WI; AZ

AIA Affiliation

Not a member of the AIA.
Recipient of the AIA Gold Medal 1949

Biographical Sources

American Architects Directories:
Biographical listing in 1956 American Architects Directory

Biographical directories:
Entry in Macmillan Encyclopedia of Architects (New York: Macmillan, 1982)
Entry in Richard Guy Wilson, The AIA Gold Medal (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1984)

Related Records

Father of Lloyd Wright
Father of John Lloyd Wright
Donald D. Walker was Wright's draftsman from 1928-1931.
Isabel Roberts worked in his Oak Park office.

Archival Holdings

The American Institute of Architects Archives
List of 17 buildings by Frank Lloyd Wright that the AIA recommended should be preserved.
Photo of Frank Lloyd Wright receiving the AIA Gold Medal at the 1949 convention, and his speech reprinted in the AIA Journal. The AIA Awards files contain further information about Gold Medal recipients. Contact the archivist at archives@aia.org for more information.

The Frank Lloyd Wright Trust
The Frank Lloyd Wright Archives formerly held by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation were transferred to the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) and the Avery Library at Columbia University. For more information about the national repositories that have significant holdings of Wright's materials, see https://flwright.org/explore/archives

Architecture & Design Collection, University Art Museum, University of California Santa Barbara
There is material relating to Wright in the Rudolph M. Schindler Collection. For more information http://www.uam.ucsb.edu/Pages/adc_front.html

Getty Research Institute, Research Library
Frank Lloyd Wright correspondence with R.M. Schindler, 1914-1929, Accession no. 960076
The collection contains approximately 150 letters and cablegrams between Frank Lloyd Wright and Rudolph Schindler (1914-1929 and undated), with about 12 other items, including a photograph of Wright (ca. 1920), handwritten notes and financial accounts by Schindler, manuscripts of essays, Schindler's telephone book, and specifications for the Imperial Hotel. Most of Wright's letters are handwritten, all of Schindler's letters are carbon copies, except for a few handwritten cablegram forms.
For further information, see catalog record
