Howard Moïse (1887-1965)
Moïse, Howard
Personal Information
Birth/Death: deceased 01/22/1965
Occupation: American architect
Location (state): CA
This record has not been verified for accuracy.
AIA Affiliation
Member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) 1935-decease
Biographical Sources
American Architects Directories:
Biographical listing in 1956 American Architects Directory
Biographical information:
Contributed by the Environmental Design Archives, University of California, Berkeley:
Howard Moïse was born in 1887 in New Mexico and lived in Denver and Los Angeles. He attended Harvard University, earning his bachelor's degree in 1915, and his master's of architecture in 1916. He formed a partnership with Maurice M. Osborn in Boston, which lasted until the summer of 1917 when both partners entered the Army during World War I.
His work during the Boston partnership included an addition to the Nantucket Cottage Hospital, and the Holbrook Cow Barn. Later he took a job in the New York office of James Gamble Rogers. Some of his projects there included the exterior design of the main group of buildings at the Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center and the planning designs of that institution's Neurological Institute Building, Bard Hall, and Medical Student's Dormitory. He also was responsible for the design of additions to the Taft School at Watertown, New York, and a new campus at Rochester for the Colgate Rochester Divinity School.
During the1930s, Moïse was considered one of America's most modern designers. In 1932 he was invited to become a professor at the School of Architecture at University of California, Berkeley. From 1946 he also practiced in Berkeley, where he did mostly residential work. During this period he was responsible for the addition and alterations to the Architecture Building (The Ark), in association with Ellsworth Johnson and Carlton Steiner.
After his retirement in 1955 Moïse was invited to teach courses at the Rhode Island School of Design in Providence. He died in California in 1965.
Related Records
Archival Holdings
The American Institute of Architects Archives
Membership file may contain membership application, related correspondence. Contact the AIA Archives at archives@aia.org for further information.
Environmental Design Archives, University of California, Berkeley
Collection Number: 1965-1. Extent: 8 boxes, 1 flat file drawer. The Howard Moïse collection spans the years 1911-1964 and documents Moïse's architectural and teaching careers and his personal travels. The collection is organized in six series: Personal Papers, Professional Papers, Faculty Papers, Office Records, Project Records, and Art. The records include correspondence, photographs, slides, news clippings, class notes, sketches, and architectural drawings. Personal papers relate to Moïse's education, Army career, and travels. Professional and faculty records contain reports, speeches, course materials, and reference files. Project records primarily document Moïse's work in the Bay Area, though some early East Coast projects are documented in photographs. Art collected by Moïse includes publications by Grabhorn Press. Link to online finding aid: http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf2p3002w3