

George Gottlieb Miller (1893-ca. 1985)


Miller, George Gottlieb

Personal Information

Birth/Death:    b. 09 January 1893 – d. 1980s (The AIA was notified of his decease 06 December 1985, but the date of death could have been up to several years earlier.)
Occupation:    American architect
Location:    New York, NY; Woodmere, NY

AIA Affiliation

Member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) 1951-decease

Biographical Sources

American Architects Directories:
Biographical listing in 1956 American Architects Directory
Biographical listing in 1962 American Architects Directory
Address listed in 1970 American Architects Directory

Online Sources:
"Tribute: George G. Miller & Reuben Miller, Architects," http://www.mdarch.co.il/tribute page on the web site for millerDesign*Architecture, based in Israel. Principal David Miller is the son of Reuben Miller and grandson of George G. Miller. Accessed 15 August 2019. The Tribute page also has links to the New York Real Estate Brochure Collection, Avery Architectural Library, Columbia University https://dlc.library.columbia.edu/nyre?_=1565727238412&f%5Brole_architect_ssim%5D%5B%5D=Miller%2C+George+G. and to MetroHistory.com's Manhattan Building Database http://www.metrohistory.com/dbpages/NBsearch.lasso. A web site for one of his buildings https://675walton.wordpress.com/building-history/ quotes biographical information from the Grand Concourse Historic District Designation Report 2011. In "What's art deco and why does it matter?", published in the Manhattan Times, Vol. y, No. 31, August 4 – August 20, 2005, Washington Heights/East Harlem Edition, discusses deco buildings built by Miller & Goldhammer in the 1930s and includes quotes from Reuben Miller. "As to the exact number of buildings created by his father's firm, he said: 'Hard to say. My father was not one for keeping records. I joined the firm after I graduated from college in '53.'" Republished on RawlinsDesign.com https://www.rawlinsdesign.com/91-payson-avenue and accessed in August 2019.

Related Records

Partner of Albert Goldhammer
Father and partner of Reuben Miller

Archival Holdings

The American Institute of Architects Archives
      Membership file contains membership application, request for emeritus (retired) status, notification of death.
