Walter Hall Wheeler (1883-1974)
Wheeler, Walter Hall
Personal Information
Occupation: American engineer
Location (state): MN
AIA Affiliation
Not a member of the AIA.
Biographical Sources
Biographical Information:
Contributed by Northwest Architectural Archives, University of Minnesota Libraries, Minneapolis
Walter H. Wheeler was born in Potsdam, NY, and graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1906 with a degree in mining engineering. He soon shifted his interest to structural engineering. Most of Wheeler's career was spent working alone, but in 1968 he formed the firm of Wheeler & Tillitt, and retired the same year. From 1923 to 1927, Wheeler was the consulting engineer for Hennepin County, with primary responsibility for the design and supervision of the Mendota Bridge construction. He also held a patent for the invention of the "smooth ceilings" system, which used reinforced concrete.
Related Records
Archival Holdings
Northwest Architectural Archives, University of Minnesota Libraries, Minneapolis
Walter Hall Wheeler papers, (N28)
The collection includes personal family papers dating from 1829 including Wheeler's father's real estate business correspondence from 1890 on. Wheeler's project file collection includes most of Wheeler's jobs from 1912 to 1968, including the Minneapolis Armory, Pioneer Hall at the U of MN, Palo Alto City Hall, Fort Snelling Chapel in St. Paul, Minnesota River Bridge in Mankato, the Sunshine Biscuit Co., among others.
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