James R. Edmunds (1890-1953)
Edmunds, James R.
Variant Names
Edmunds, James R., Jr.
Personal Information
Birth/Death: b. 18 April 1890 - d. 04 February 1953
Occupation: American architect
Location: Baltimore, MD
AIA Affiliation
Member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) 1921-decease
Fellow of the American Institute of Architects (FAIA) 1937
President of the American Institute of Architects 1945-1947
Biographical Sources
Biographical Directories:
Entry in R. Randall Vosbeck, FAIA, A Legacy of Leadership: Presidents of the AIA 1857-2007 (Washington, DC: The American Institute of Architects, 2008)
Related Records
Archival Holdings
The American Institute of Architects Archives
Membership file includes membership application, Fellowship nomination, notification of death, obituaries and memorials, photograph.