

Esther Born (1902-1987)


Born, Esther

Variant Names

Baum, Esther

Personal Information

Birth/Death:    1902-1987
Gender:    Female
Occupation:    American architectural photographer
Location (state):    CA

AIA Affiliation

Not a member of the American Institute of Architects.

Biographical Sources

Biographical information:
Contributed by the Environmental Design Archives, University of California, Berkeley:
Esther Baum was a graduate of the UCB Architecture School (1926) where she studied under John Galen Howard. She married Ernest Born in the same year she graduated. During the Great Depression she studied photography, which she practiced successfully throughout her life. She became interested in the architecture of Mexico and drove south to experience the architecture for herself. She returned 10 months later with photographs, drawings, and plans of the country's architecture and design. The compilation of this work was first published in an issue of Architectural Record in April 1937. The article was expanded into a book, The New Architecture in Mexico published by Wm. Morrow & Co. (New York, 1937) This monograph has been credited with directing the attention of the world to the rise of modern architecture in Mexico.
From 1938 through 1940, she photographed the Golden Gate International Exposition on Treasure Island in San Francisco. Her subjects included the many different aspects of the Exposition: buildings, construction, fresco painting, opening events, exhibit halls, exhibits, and the general environment.
Her photographs were published in several architectural journals throughout her career, and of note are her architectural photographs highlighted in an article featuring Frank Lloyd Wright's "Honeycomb House" (Architectural Record, July 1938).
From 1945 through 1973 she shared an architecture practice with Ernest Born. She continued to take many outstanding photographs of architecture designed by him and others.

Related Records

Wife and partner of Ernest Alexander Born

Archival Holdings

Environmental Design Archives, University of California, Berkeley

Collection number: 2001-16. Extent: 10 manuscript boxes, 5 flat boxes, 2 flat file drawers. The Ernest and Esther Born collection contains six series: Personal Papers, Professional papers, Project Records, BART, Golden Gate International Exposition, and the UC Greek Theater Reconstruction. The collection is comprised of two primary parts: Ernest Born's personal and professional papers and the records of his practice including design, exhibit, and building projects; and the architectural photographs of Esther Born. The Personal Papers are comprised of personal drawings of mosque details and designs from Tunisia (1924) and travel slides (1965 – 1971) from Europe. For further information contact the Environmental Design Archives http://www.ced.berkeley.edu/cedarchives/
