Reginald Davis Johnson (1882-1952)
Johnson, Reginald Davis
Personal Information
Birth/Death: deceased 10/28/1952
Occupation: American architect
Location: Pasadena, CA
AIA Affiliation
Member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) 1917-decease
Fellow of the American Institute of Architects (FAIA) 1926
Biographical Sources
Related Records
Archival Holdings
The American Institute of Architects Archives
Membership file includes application and membership correspondence, Baldwin memorial form. There was no written Fellowship nomination form in 1926. Fellowship materials for Johnson include 1926 procedures and letters about Johnson from the 1926 Fellows jury, and the election of Fellows from the 1926 Proceedings. Obituary from AIA Journal.
Architecture & Design Collection, Art, Design & Architecture Museum, University of California Santa Barbara
Reginald Davis Johnson Collection. For more information