

Allen B. Pond (1858-1929)


Pond, Allen B.

Personal Information

Birth/Death:    deceased 03/17/1929
Occupation:    American architect
Location:    Chicago, IL

AIA Affiliation

Member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) 1902-decease
Fellow of the American Institute of Architects (FAIA) 1907

Biographical Sources

Biographical Directories:
Entry in Henry F. Withey, A.I.A., and Elsie Rathburn Withey, Biographical Dictionary of American Architects (Deceased) (Los Angeles: New Age Publishing Company, 1956. Facsimile edition, Hennessey & Ingalls, Inc., 1970)

Biographical sketch in The Brickbuilder

Related Records

Brother of Irving K. Pond

Archival Holdings

The American Institute of Architects Archives
      Membership file includes membership application, a few letters, notification of death with clippings and memorial published in the Octagon. Materials which have not yet been scanned include a letter and a program regarding a competition for "a monumental group of buildings", the Architects Hall of Fame - Asylum, Chicago, proposed by Allen Pond, from the Competitions Committee record group. There may be additional letters in the pre-1908 unindexed General Correspondence files. Contact the AIA Archives at archives@aia.org for further information.

University of Michigan, Bentley Historical Library
     Pond Family Papers. For more information, http://bentley.umich.edu/research/guides/architects/
