Gottfrid Leonard Norrman (1846-1909)
Norrman, Gottfrid Leonard
Personal Information
Birth/Death: b. 1846 - d. 11/16/1909
Occupation: American architect
Location: Atlanta, GA
AIA Affiliation
Member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) 1885-1888; 1897-decease
Fellow of the American Institute of Architects (FAIA) 1897
Biographical Sources
Biographical Directories:
Entry in Henry F. Withey, A.I.A., and Elsie Rathburn Withey, Biographical Dictionary of American Architects (Deceased) (Los Angeles: New Age Publishing Company, 1956. Facsimile edition, Hennessey & Ingalls, Inc., 1970)
Related Records
Archival Holdings
The American Institute of Architects Archives
Gottfrid Leonard Norrman joined The American Institute of Architects in 1885. His name appears in the published membership list through 1888. Apparently his membership lapsed in 1888 or 1889. In 1889, as a result of the merger of the Western Association of Architects with The American Institute of Architects, the two-tier membership system was abolished and all AIA members then in good standing became Fellows. When Norrman rejoined in 1897, Fellow was still the only category of membership so he rejoined as a Fellow. The AIA Archives has his 1885 membership application. See Quarterly Bulletin of the American Institute of Architects, January 1910, for chapter memorial resolution, pp. 313-14, and obituary, p. 335.