Browse Br

Browse Br

Braaksma, Menno (d. 2003)    CA    AIA 1960-
Brabham, Dick Floyd    KS    AIA 1972-1977
Bracamonte, Robert A.    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Bracey, Henry Charles    RI    AIA 1945-1965
Brach, Walter John (d. 1975)    NY    AIA 1948-
Bracke, Camiel Francis    IL    AIA 1959-
Bracke & Hayes (firm)    IL
Bracke, Hayes, Miller (firm)    IL
Brackenbush, Donald Herbert    PA; CA    AIA 1970-
Brackett, Arthur Francis    GA    AIA 1977-
Brackett, Jerry W.    AR    AIA 1975-
Brackett, Marion McDowell (d. 1988)    NC    AIA 1954-
Brackett, Robert Paul (d. 1978)    MD; DC    AIA 1965-1973; 1975-
Brackett, William Ernest, Jr.    NC    AIA 1954-1973
Brackett Assocs. (firm)    NC
Bradbury, A. Thomas    GA    AIA 1944-1975
Bradbury, Charles Akers (1905-1980)    NY    AIA 1944-1952; 1962-1971
Bradbury, E. J., Jr.    TX    AIA 1971-
Bradbury, Eugene (d. 1960)    VA    AIA 1916-1929; 1930-
Bradbury, Keith Howard    WA    AIA 1953-
Bradbury, Phillip Wilson    TX    AIA 1968-
Bradbury, Robert Milton, Jr.    NY    AIA 1958-
Bradbury, Terry Lee    IN    AIA 1977-
Bradbury, Thomas see Bradbury, A. Thomas    GA    AIA 1944-1975
Bradbury & Assocs., Inc. (firm)    GA
Braddy, Minton Venner, Jr.    GA    AIA 1952-
Braden, David Rice    TX    AIA 1955-; FAIA 1972.
Braden, James George    MI    AIA 1970-
Braden, Philip Robert    FL    AIA 1964-
Braden, Stanley Richard    CA    AIA 1977-
Braden & Jones (firm)    TX
Bradfield, Richard Harold (d. 2007)    GA    AIA 1964-; FAIA 1990.
Bradford, Derek    RI    AIA 1973-
Bradford, Joseph Nelson (d. 1943)    OH    AIA 1918-
Bradford, LeRoy Daniel (d. 1987)    MO    AIA 1967-
Bradford, Marion Larrimore (1929-2006)    AL    AIA 1965-1989
Bradford, Steven Jay    MA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Bradford, Smith & Shepherd (firm)    MO
Bradlee, Nathaniel J. (1829-1888)    MA    AIA 1859-
Bradley, A. M.    AL
Bradley, Bernard Holmes (d. 2000)    IL; AZ    AIA 1945-
Bradley, Carl LeRoy    IN    AIA 1959-; FAIA 1973.
Bradley, Charles MacArthur    IL    AIA 1950-
Bradley, David Earl    TX    AIA 1972-1973
Bradley, Dean W.    KS    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Bradley, Everett Clair    CT    AIA 1943-1951
Bradley, Frank see Bradley, J. Frank (Joseph Francis) (d. 1963)    PA; FL    AIA 1945-
Bradley, George    IL
Bradley, George Charles    DC    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Bradley, Gordon William (d. 1993)    HI    AIA 1954-
Bradley, Graham see Bradley, T. Graham (Thomas Graham)    IL    AIA 1957-; FAIA 1978.
Bradley, Harold Smith    IL    AIA 1954-
Bradley, Herbert William    WI    AIA 1946-1970
Bradley, Herold (d. 1981)    PA    AIA 1944-
Bradley, J. Frank (Joseph Francis) (d. 1963)    PA; FL    AIA 1945-
Bradley, Jack R., Jr.    KS    AIA 1954-
Bradley, James Francis (d. 1990)    PA    AIA 1961-
Bradley, John Freeman    MA    AIA 1934-
Bradley, John William, Jr.    IL; KY    AIA 1961-1972; 1974-1976
Bradley, Joseph Francis see Bradley, J. Frank (Joseph Francis) (d. 1963)    PA; FL    AIA 1945-
Bradley, Joseph Manton, Jr. (d. 1977)    MA    AIA 1967-
Bradley, Le Roy (1895-1959)    IN    AIA 1949-
Bradley, Lucas (1809-1889)    MO
Bradley, Michael Gene (d. 1982)    TX; OK    AIA 1968-
Bradley, Paul Mayberry, Jr.    FL    AIA 1957-
Bradley, Prentice (d. 1997)    MA; TX    AIA 1947-; FAIA 1970.
Bradley, R. Walter (Robert Walter) (1892-1960)    WY    AIA 1947-
Bradley, Robert Nance    VA    AIA 1972-
Bradley, Robert Sanders    TX    AIA 1975-
Bradley, Robert Walter see Bradley, R. Walter (1892-1960)    WY    AIA 1947-
Bradley, Russ Van Vleck, Jr.    MA    Assoc. AIA 1976-
Bradley, Susan Virginia    CA    AIA 1974-
Bradley, T. Graham (Thomas Graham)    IL    AIA 1957-; FAIA 1978.
Bradley, Thomas Graham see Bradley, T. Graham (Thomas Graham)    IL    AIA 1957-; FAIA 1978.
Bradley, Walter see Bradley, R. Walter (Robert Walter) (d. 1960)    WY    AIA 1947-
Bradley, William George, Jr.    DC    AIA 1970-1975
Bradley & Bradley, Inc. (firm)    IL
Bradley & Bradley, Architects, Inc. (firm)    IN
Bradley & Wong (firm)    HI
Bradley-Wong-Sjoberg & Associates, Inc. (firm)    HI
Bradney, Joseph J. W.    NY    AIA 1928-1931
Bradshaw, Barbara    WY    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Bradshaw, Jerre Don    DC    AIA 1972-
Bradshaw, Preston J. (d. 1953)    MO    AIA 1917-
Bradshaw, Ralph Hodges, Jr.    CA    AIA 1972-
Bradshaw, Ronald G.    TX    AIA 1968-
Bradshaw, Weldon Leroy    TX    AIA 1945-1963
Bradshaw, William Francis    LA    AIA 1976-
Bradshaw & Tomeny (firm)    LA
Bradt, Horace Greeley (d. 2001)    NH; WA    AIA 1953-
Bradt, Robert Andrew    CA    AIA 1944-
Bradt, Littlefield, Williams (firm)    NH
Bradtke, Philip Joseph    IL    AIA 1966-
Brady, Albert I.    TN; NY; DC; GA    AIA 1936-1949
Brady, Banister Allen    MS    AIA 1960-1980
Brady, Bernard Cornelius, Jr.    TX    AIA 1958-1961
Brady, Charles Wynn    MO    AIA 1965-
Brady, Clifton J. (d. 1963)    WA    AIA 1939-
Brady, Clyde A., III    FL    AIA 1974-; FAIA 1992.
Brady, Constance L.    CA    AIA 1970-1976
Brady, Harold B. (d. 1927)    NJ    AIA 1923-
Brady, James Allen    WY    Assoc. AIA 1976-1977; AIA 1977-
Brady, James Michael    CA    AIA 1976-
Brady, John B.    DC active 1875-1899
Brady, John Joseph (d. 1975)    NY    AIA 1968-
Brady, Josiah R. (c. 1760-1832)    NY
Brady, Jules Ellsworth (d. 1996)    CA    AIA 1958-
Brady, Richard V.    CA    AIA 1971-1976
Brady, Robert S. (1933-1986)    VT    AIA 1974-
Brady, Roger    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brady, Rufus Holland, Jr.    NC    AIA 1955-
Braganza, Claude Flavian    TN    AIA 1973-
Bragdon, Claude (1866-1946)    NY    AIA 1901-; FAIA 1907.
William Badeau Bragdon (firm)    NJ
Bragg, Dale Vernon    CA    AIA 1958-1960; 1962-
Bragg, Kendrick Robertson, Jr.    VI    AIA 1969-
Bragg, Stanley Reeves    MI    AIA 1944-1976
Bragonier, James Wendell    MN    AIA 1970-
Bragstad, Susan H.    CA    AIA 1973-1977
Braht, Fred W.    KS    AIA 1970-
Braido, Robert Harold    FL    AIA 1963-1967
Braik, Douglas Gordon (d. 1955)    PA    AIA 1928-1941; 1947-
Brailas, Alexander    TX    AIA 1967-
Brainard, Charles Lewis (d. 1989)    KS    AIA 1944-
Brainard, Owen (d. 1919)    NY    AIA 1907-; FAIA 1915.
Brainard, William White    FL    AIA 1964-
Brainerd, Eric I.    MA    AIA 1960-
Brainerd, Harry Beardslee (d. 1977)    NY    AIA 1930-
Brainerd, Morgan Clare    CA    AIA 1972-1973
Brainerd, William H.    MA    AIA 1913-1927
Brakebill, David    TX    AIA 1977-
Brakefield, James Thomas    CA    AIA 1978-
Bramblet, Thomas Russell (d. 1969)    OK    AIA 1944-
Bramblet & Baldwin (firm)    OK
Brame, Ronald Milton    TX    AIA 1976-; FAIA 1997.
Brame, William Webb    FL    Assoc. AIA 1974-1977; AIA 1977-
Bramen, Robert Hart    NJ; CA    AIA 1976-
Bramhall, Robert W.    NC    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Branan, C. Frank (Cicero Franklin), Jr. (1922-2004)    FL; NC    AIA 1948-1953; 1959-
Branan, Cicero Franklin, Jr. see Branan, C. Frank (Cicero Franklin), Jr. (1922-2004)    FL; NC    AIA 1948-1953; 1959-
Branan, Frank see Branan, C. Frank (Cicero Franklin), Jr. (1922-2004)    FL; NC    AIA 1948-1953; 1959-
Branca, Joseph Charles    NJ; TX    AIA 1972-
Branch, Barry Dale    WA    AIA 1952-
Branch, Dan Paulk    FL    AIA 1964-
Branch, Frederick Octavius (d. 2001)    GA    AIA 1955-
Branch, James Elliott (d. 1988)    IL; FL; IN    AIA 1947-
Branch, Kenneth Gordon (d. 1991)    WA    AIA 1948-1970
Branch, Melville Campbell, Jr.    NJ; VA; IL    AIA 1937-1949
Branch, Branch & Garrison (firm)    WA
Brand, Brian R.    WA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brand, Herbert Amery (d. 1972)    IL    AIA 1930-
Brand, Joel Stanley    TX    AIA 1967-; FAIA 1992.
Brand, Larry Allen    OK    AIA 1978-
Brand, Leon    NY    AIA 1961-
Brand, Thomas Earl (d. 1950)    OH    AIA 1942-
Brand, William Hoover    IL    AIA 1954-1967
Brand & Brand (firm)    IL
Brand & Moore, Architects, Engineers & Planners (firm)    NY
Branda, Gerald Emelyn    TX    AIA 1958-
Brandborg, Lennart (d. 1956)    OK    AIA 1955-
Branden, James P.    NC    AIA 1974-
Brandenburg, Carl Stevens    CO    AIA 1978-
Brandenburg, Kenneth Earl    TN    AIA 1970-
Brandenburg, Ronald Kimble (d. 2001)    OH    Assoc. AIA 1977-
Brandenburger, Don Lee    CA    AIA 1965-
Brandenburger, Herman F. (b. 1888)    MO; MT; WA    AIA 1941-1949
Brandes, Gina K. see Harrison, Ballard & Alexander (firm)
Brandhorst, Gerhard W.    MN    AIA 1953-1964
Brandhorst & Leadholm (firm)    MN
Brandi, Antonio M.    CA    AIA 1977-
Brandis, Howard Henry    NV; OR    AIA 1956-1965; 1966-1972; 1973-
Brandner, Alexander R.    CA    AIA 1946-1958
Brandon, Kelly Curtis    WA    AIA 1978-
Brandon, Robert M.    MA    AIA 1976-
Brandon, Ronald D.    OK    AIA 1978-
Brandow, Peter Dunn    CA    AIA 1971-1974
Brandow, Theodore    PA    AIA 1959-1970
Brandreth, Charles Avery    NY    AIA 1964-
Brandt, Berkeley    CA
Brandt, C. Christopher    IN    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brandt, Charles A.    MI    AIA 1972-
Brandt, Charles Frederick    MD    AIA 1957-
Brandt, Christian W. (d. 1958)    MI    AIA 1920-1935; 1937-1940; 1944-
Brandt, Christopher see Brandt, C. Christopher    IN    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brandt, Frank O.    MO    AIA 1952-
Brandt, Frederick Percival see Brandt, Perc (Frederick Percival) (d. 1976)    WI    AIA 1946-
Brandt, Harry Andrew (d. 1955)    DC    AIA 1943-
Brandt, Jack Thompson    TX    AIA 1965-1975
Brandt, James L.    NC    AIA 1959-
Brandt, John F. (d. 1966)    NJ    AIA 1955-
Brandt, Karl A.    NY    AIA 1970-
Brandt, Kent Hammond    OH    AIA 1956-
Brandt, Paul C. H.    IN    AIA 1965-1970
Brandt, Perc (Frederick Percival) (d. 1976)    WI    AIA 1946-
Brandt, Percival see Brandt, Perc (Frederick Percival) (d. 1976)    WI    AIA 1946-
Brandt, Peter Busch    OH; CA; AZ    AIA 1964-
Brandt, Robert J.    TX    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brandt, Roslyn    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brandt, William F.    IL    AIA 1966-
Christian W. Brandt and Associates (firm)    MI
Brandt, DeLap & Nice, Inc. (firm)    IN
Brandt & Williford (firm)    TX
Branham, Robert Wingfield (d. 1953)    GA    AIA 1952-
Branigan, Daniel Miller    CA    AIA 1965-
Brannan, Donald L.    KS    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brannen, Robert    MA    AIA 1968-; FAIA 1987.
Brannen, Wendall E.    TX    AIA 1971-
Branner, John K. (d. 1979)    CA    AIA 1930-
Branner, Steven    WV    AIA 1971-
John K. Branner (firm)    CA
Branning, Eugene Rittenhouse    NY    AIA 1966-
Brannon, Michael Jerome    SC    AIA 1971-
Brannon, Ronald B.    AL    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Branon, Ralph Patrick    VT    AIA 1963-
Bransford, Lee Walt    AR    AIA 1957-
Branson, Charles Elsworth    MO    AIA 1968-1972
Branson, Uzzell Singleton (d. 1970)    AR    AIA 1946-
Branstrom, Earl Eugene    MN    AIA 1957-1970
Branstrom & Branstrom Inc. (firm)    MN
Brant, Charles William    OH    AIA 1942-1950
Brantingham, Robert W.    MN    AIA 1972-1973
Brantley, Jerry Lynn    TX    AIA 1971-
Brantley, William Courtney    NC    AIA 1978-
Branton, Eddie    AR    AIA 1978-
Branton, Raymond    AR    AIA 1961-
Bras, J. Jack    CA    AIA 1961-1973
Bras, Jack see Bras, J. Jack    CA    AIA 1961-1973
Brasch, Judd A.    IA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brase, Robert L.    OK    AIA 1978-
Braseth, O. A.    ND    AIA 1922-1943
Brasfield, Luther Lee    MS    AIA 1945-
L. L. Brasfield (firm)    MS
Brasher, Herbert (d. 1993)    TX    AIA 1949-
Brasher & Goyette (firm)    TX
Brasher, Goyette & Rapier (firm)    TX
Brasier, Jerry L.    OK    AIA 1977-
Braswell, Paul    NC    AIA 1959-
Braswell, William F. (d. 2001)    CA    AIA 1961-
Braswell, William Paul see Braswell, Paul    NC    AIA 1959-
Bratton, Ted Riley    VA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Bratvold, Owen Gerald    ID    AIA 1966-1971
Bratz, Gerald B.    TX    AIA 1977-
Brauer, Carl Frederik (d. 1995)    NY; NJ    AIA 1945-
Brauer, Leslie George (d. 1980)    OK    AIA 1958-1961; 1967-
Braun, Arlo David    PA    AIA 1972-1975
Braun, Carl Conrad    NY; CT    AIA 1946-
Braun, Charles Stuart    FL    AIA 1976-; FAIA 1988.
Braun, Dietrich H.    TX    AIA 1978-
Braun, Gustav (1924-1998)    IL    AIA 1962-1966
Braun, Harold L. (d. 1987)    OH    AIA 1968-
Braun, Henry H.    NY    AIA 1916-1937
Braun, Isadore H.    IL    AIA 1928-1938
Braun, John Joseph    OH    AIA 1975-
Braun, Lester A. (1915-2002)    TX    AIA 1961-1971
Braun, Richard William (d. 2004)    IL; KY    AIA 1971-
Braun, Sherwin Jack    IL    AIA 1968-
Braun, Wayne Karl John    OH    AIA 1969-1973
Braun, William T. (d. 1976)    KY    AIA 1953-
Braun & Bernhardt (firm)    TX
Braun & Ryan (firm)    KY
Brauning, Frederick    MI    AIA 1955-
Brauns, Henry (1845-1917)    MD    AIA 1871-; FAIA 1889.
Braunschweiger, Robert Welty    NY    AIA 1967-1970
Braunstein, Benjamin (d. 1972)    NY    AIA 1945-
Braunstein, Charles Stuart (d. 2005)    NY    AIA 1962-1976; ?-
Braveman, Jerry Phillip    CA    AIA 1954-
Braverman, Lawrence Sinclair    NY    AIA 1962-1975
Braverman, Sigmund (1894-1960)    OH    AIA 1944-
Bravo, Mario Cesar    PR    AIA 1975-
Brawley, Roger Hattan, Jr.    OK    AIA 1967-
Brawner, Kent A.    HI    AIA 1978-
Bray, Eddie Riley (d. 2007)    GA    AIA 1970-
Bray, Harold Thompson    GA    AIA 1962-
Bray, Lawrence Emery    WI    AIA 1958-
Bray, Roger Winston    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Bray, William    CA    Assoc. AIA 1977-
Bray, William M. (1905-1998)    CA    AIA 1950-1976; 1978-
Bray, William Randall    GA    AIA 1968-
Bray, William T. (1868-1959)    MN; CA
Lawrence E. Bray & Assocs., Inc. (firm)    WI
Brayton, Richard M.    CA    AIA 1983-; FAIA 1997.
Brayton, Richard Mark (d. 1990)    NY; NH    AIA 1949-
Brazer, Clarence Wilson (d. 1956)    PA; NY    AIA 1920-1940
Braziell, William Martin (d. 1959)    PA    AIA 1940-
Brazier, Bernis Eugene (d. 1970)    UT    AIA 1947-
Brazier, Montmorency, Hayes & Talbot, Architects, Inc. (firm)    UT
Brazinskas, Algirdas Juozas (d. 2000)    NJ    AIA 1966-
Brazley, Michael D.    MA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brazley, William Earl, Jr.    IL    AIA 1976-; FAIA 1991.
Breading, Robert P.    PA    AIA 1966-
Bready, Robert Ernest    CA    AIA 1970-1974
Breakstone, Arthur Leonard    FL    AIA 1966-
Breaux, Donald James    LA    AIA 1962-
Breaux, Gary James    LA    AIA 1973-
Breaux, Kenneth Joseph    LA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Breaux, Lonnie Michael    LA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brecher, Melvin    PA    AIA 1956-; FAIA 1973.
Brecht, James W.    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-; AIA 1981?-
Bredemeier, Ronald Alfred    OH    AIA 1966-1972
Bredow, Henry Elliott    TX    AIA 1970-1977
Bredthauer, Edwin Orville    CA    AIA 1972-1977
Breed, Charles Warren, Jr.    WV    AIA 1955-1964
Breed, F. Nelson (Franklin Nelson) (1890-1976)    NY; CT    AIA 1950-
Breed, Franklin Nelson see Breed, F. Nelson (Franklin Nelson) (d. 1976)    NY; CT    AIA 1950-
Breed, James William (d. 1973)    VA    AIA 1953-
Breed, Nelson see Breed, F. Nelson (Franklin Nelson) (d. 1976)    NY; CT    AIA 1950-
George H. Breed (firm)    NY
Breeden, Alexander DuPre (d. 1970)    VA    AIA 1949-
Breen, Edward Joseph    CT    AIA 1968-
Breen, William Hixson, Jr.    GA    AIA 1952-1964; 1966-
Breeze, Victor Winfred (1889-1961)    NC    AIA 1938-1942; 1945-
Bregar, Robert J.    OH    AIA 1970-
Bregar Kozel Assocs. (firm)    OH
Breger, William N.    NY    AIA 1947-1954; 1958-; FAIA 1982.
William N. Breger & Assocs. (firm)    NY
Bregida, Albert Paul    DC    AIA 1964-
Brehm, Lawrence K.    CA    AIA 1976-
Brehmer, Richard A. (d. 2002)    MI    AIA 1965-1976
Breiby, John Conrad, Jr. (d. 2004)    NY; MD    AIA 1956-
Breidenbach, William Frederick    OH; FL    AIA 1941-
Breiner, Donald Evans    WA    AIA 1978-
Breines, Simon (d. 2004)    NY    AIA 1943-; FAIA 1967.
Breininger, Corey Lee    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Breismeister, Donald M.    CT    AIA 1974-
Breitbart, Joel    CA    AIA 1966-
Breitenbach, Edward Arthur    NY    AIA 1965-
Breitweiser, Alvah Paul    IL    AIA 1964-
Brejcha, Raymond J.    IL    AIA 1956-
Brellochs, Peter    NY    AIA 1970-1978
Brelsford, Aubrey B. (d. 2001)    CO    AIA 1950-
Brelsford & Childress (firm)    CO
Brem, Gerard J.    LA    AIA 1974-1975
Bremer, Duncan S.    NH    AIA 1977-
Bremerman, F. Hugh (d. 1969)    FL    AIA 1964-
Bremerman, Hugh see Bremerman, F. Hugh (d. 1969)    FL    AIA 1964-
Brems, David Paul    UT    AIA 1978-
Brence, Anton Charles    OR    AIA 1949-1959
Brender & Brender Inc. (firm)    MI
Breneman, James Richard    MO    AIA 1975-
Brenenborg, David C.    PA    AIA 1978-
Brennan, Charles Francis, Jr. (d. 2004)    NY    AIA 1957-
Brennan, Henry H.    NY    AIA 1974-1976
Brennan, John James    MD; FL    AIA 1964-
Brennan, John P. (d. 1925)    PA    AIA 1921-
Brennan, Joseph James    PA    AIA 1957-1972
Brennan, William Ambrose    PA    AIA 1950-1973
Brennan & Brennan (firm)    PA
Brenneis, John L.    WA    AIA 1978-
Brenneman, Arthur Loyd    OH    AIA 1962-
Brenneman, John Henry (d. 1993)    NJ    AIA 1959-1974
Brenner, A. John (d. 1961)    AZ    AIA 1954-
Brenner, Daniel (d. 1977)    IL    AIA 1951-; FAIA 1968.
Brenner, Elliott Herbert    IN; CA    AIA 1960-
Brenner, John see Brenner, A. John (d. 1961)    AZ    AIA 1954-
Brenner, William Otto, Jr.    CO    AIA 1969-
Brenner, Danforth, Rockwell (firm)    IL
Brenner-Danforth-Rockwell (firm)    IL
Brenot, Joseph P. (d. 1924)    PA    AIA 1922-
Brenot, Oscar E. (d. 1953)    PA    AIA 1946-
Brensinger, Barry L.    TX    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brent, Calvin Thomas Stowe (1854-1899)    DC
Brent, John E. (1889-1962)    NY    AIA 1944-1959
Brent, Stanley Morris    CA    AIA 1966-
Brent, Goldman, Robbins & Bown (firm)    CA
Brenton, Alan Cary (d. 1957)    NY    AIA 1952-
Brentrup, Dale A.    WI    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brents, Daniel R.    MD; TX    AIA 1973-; FAIA 1992.
Brese, Eugene Ronald    IN    AIA 1972-
Bresie, Rudolph, Jr. (d. 1992)    TX    AIA 1971-
Bresin, Millard (d. 1986)    NY    AIA 1954-
Breslin, Robert J.    PA    AIA 1964-
Bresnan, Adrienne G.    NY    AIA 1975-; FAIA 1990.
Bresnan, Joseph    NY    Assoc. AIA 1978-1979; AIA 1979-; FAIA 1990.
Breternitz, John Charles    WY    Assoc. AIA 1974-1977; AIA 1977-
Breton, Roger E.    NY    AIA 1974-
Bretscher, Carl Edward (d. 2005)    IL    AIA 1941-
Brett, Edward C. N. (d. 1978)    CA    AIA 1944-
Brett, Edward Hugh    OK    AIA 1973-
Bretton, John    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Breuer, Marcel (1902-1981)    MA; NY    AIA 1941-; FAIA 1958.
Marcel Breuer & Assocs. (firm)    NY
Brevard Eng. Co. see Stottler-Stagg & Assocs. (firm)    FL; MD
Brevetti, Albert Carl    NY    AIA 1958-
Brewer, Benjamin Eddins, Jr. (d. 2003)    TX    AIA 1964-; FAIA 1976.
Brewer, Carolyn S.    TX    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brewer, Charles H., Jr.    OH    AIA 1978-
Brewer, George Douglas    TN    AIA 1973-
Brewer, Gerald James    CA    AIA 1966-1975
Brewer, Glenn Darrell    WA    AIA 1969-
Brewer, James Edward    IA    AIA 1966-1973
Brewer, Leland Britton (d. 1972)    OK; MO    AIA 1952-
Brewer, Richard L.    CA    AIA 1974-
Brewer, Robert Arthur    PA    AIA 1957-1974
Brewer-Westberg (firm)    WA
Brewster, Blythe Sylvester    NY    AIA 1966-1974
Brewster, Floyd Emery (1888-1971)    NY; CA    AIA 1916-1922; 1930-1938
Brewster, George W. W., Jr. (1907-1981)    MA    AIA 1938-; FAIA 1959.
Brewster, Gerald Lewis    OR    AIA 1967-
Brewster, Herbert R.    CA
Brewster, James Russell    CA    AIA 1962-1965
Brewster, Jerome    WI    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brewster, Marc H.    TX    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brewton, Samuel Angliss, Jr.    NC    AIA 1972-
Brey, David Martin (d. 1986)    MO    AIA 1959-; FAIA 1979.
Brezner, Philip    MI    AIA 1944-1949
Brians, Audrey    TX    AIA 1968-1970; 1976-
Brice, Ralph Erwin    NC    AIA 1961-
Brice, Verne Eugene    OR    AIA 1972-1977
Brickbauer, Charles    MD    AIA 1966-1976
Bricker, Alan Jeffrey    TX    AIA 1978-
Bricker, Francis Walter (d. 1976)    AZ    AIA 1956-
Bricker, Larry Lee    GA; AL    AIA 1970-
Bricker, Martin Rice    OH    AIA 1966-
Bricker, William Earl (d. 1963)    PA    AIA 1954-
Bricker & Hoyt (firm)    AZ
Brickert, John Taylor (d. 1991)    FL    AIA 1962-
Bridge, Edward Melville (d. 1980)    MA    AIA 1935-1937; 1947-
Bridge, Richard Huntley    MA    AIA 1963-
Bridges, Arval William, Jr.    LA    AIA 1972-1977; 1978-
Bridges, Daniel Bryant (d. 1978)    GA    AIA 1967-
Bridges, Jim L.    TX; AK    AIA 1967-
Bridges, John M., Jr.    TX    AIA 1959-1967
Bridges, Leon    WA; MD    AIA 1965-; FAIA 1986.
Bridges, Richard Chester    OH    AIA 1967-
Bridges, Robert John    NY    AIA 1966-
Bridges, Robert Ray (d. 1993)    NY    AIA 1944-1965; 1966-
Bridges, Thomas Franklin    NC    AIA 1968-
Bridges/Burke (firm)    WA
Bridges-Campbell U Assocs. (firm)    TX
Bridges, Haley & Howard (firm)    GA
Bridgham, Steven W.    TX    AIA 1978-
Bridgman, Lilian (1866-1948)    CA
Briel, Rhame, Poynter & Houser (firm)    FL
Brielmaier, Joseph M. (d. 1954)    WI    AIA 1944-
Brielmaier, Leo A. (d. 1976)    WI    AIA 1944-
Brielmaier, Sherer & Sherer (firm)    WI
Brierley, Josiah Richard (1886-1967)    NJ    AIA 1957-
Brierly, Robert Schnell    IA    AIA 1964-1972
Brierre, Creed W.    LA    AIA 1978-
Briggs, Carl Cameron    OH    AIA 1925-1928
Briggs, Cecil Clair    NY; IL; FL    AIA 1938-1956; 1958-1968
Briggs, Earl A., Jr.    NV    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Briggs, Frederick H.    NY    AIA 1922-1927
Briggs, Frederick Monroe    CA    AIA 1957-
Briggs, George W. (d. 1955)    MA    AIA 1947-
Briggs, Gerald Warren    PA    Assoc. AIA 1978; AIA 1978-
Briggs, Herbert B.    OH    AIA 1912-1931
Briggs, John Sherwood (d. 1995)    NY    AIA 1967-
Briggs, John T. (d. 1966)    NY    AIA 1941-
Briggs, John Wilbur (d. 1975)    NY    AIA 1940-
Briggs, Lucius W. (d. 1940)    MA    AIA 1902-
Briggs, Paul Thurman, Jr.    NC    AIA 1969-
Briggs, Philip M.    MA    AIA 1978-
Briggs, Stephen Michael    TX    Assoc. AIA 1974-
Briggs, Stuart Wallace    MA    AIA 1958-1966
Briggs, Terry Lee    PA    AIA 1978-
Briggs, Warren R. (1850-1933)    CT    AIA 1881-; FAIA 1888.
Briggs, William Adolphus (d. 1990)    TN; VA    AIA 1954-
Briggs, William Adolphus, Jr.    CT; NY; IL; RI    AIA 1970-
Briggs & Yurchison (firm)    NY
Brigham, Charles (1841-1925)    MA    AIA 1870-; FAIA 1889.
Brigham, George Bickford, Jr. (d. 1977)    MI    AIA 1940-; FAIA 1970.
Brigham, Norman R. (d. 1973)    NE    AIA 1918-
Brigham, Patti (d. 1979)    AK    AIA 1978-
Brigham, Richard Curtis    MA    AIA 1958-1978
Brigham/Eldredge/Limon/Hussey (firm)    MA
Bright, Braxton Lamar (d. 1972)    FL    AIA 1959-
Bright, Earl Manual    MI    Assoc. AIA 1978; AIA 1978-
Bright, Gary Wilson    VA    AIA 1978-
Bright, James Micic    TX    AIA 1954-1958
Bright, Jay Warren    CT    AIA 1978-
Bright, John Irwin (d. 1940)    PA    AIA 1916-
Bright, Joseph Elliott    GA    AIA 1948-1971
Bright & Straughn (firm)    FL
Brignati, David Anthony    NY    AIA 1966-
Briles, Michael Bailey    GA    AIA 1969-1976
Brill, Clinton Bowen Fisk (d. 1990)    NY; FL    AIA 1943-
Brill, Liviu    MA    Assoc. AIA 1972-
Brill, Peter Breno    VI    AIA 1973-1975
Brim, Delmus J., Jr.    FL    AIA 1974-
Brim, Jerrold Lee    IL    AIA 1967-
Brim-Braun Assocs. (firm)    IL
Brimeyer, Ferdinand J. (d. 1954)    WI    AIA 1947-
Brimmell, John Douglas    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brin, Leon S.    CO    AIA 1958-
Brince, John B.    DC    AIA 1967-1970
Brinckloe, William Draper (d. 1933)    MD    AIA 1925-
Brindley, Laurence V., Jr.    IL    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Briner, Thomas A.    CO    AIA 1978-
Bringle, John A. (d. 1996)    CA    AIA 1965-
Brink, Carolyn McCarron    CA    AIA 1975-
Brink, Henry Elmer    CA    AIA 1959-1965; 1967-1974
Brink, John Eberth    KS    AIA 1951-1975
Brink, Keith E.    WI    AIA 1978-
Brink, Lawrence Ray    MI    AIA 1967-1973
Brink & Roberts (firm)    CA
Brinkerhoff, Harold Tice (d. 1978)    NY    AIA 1944-
Brinkers, Henry S.    OH    AIA 1966-
Brinkley, Douglas M.    NC    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brinkley, Doyle W. L.    TX    AIA 1975-
Brinkley, Dwayne M.    TX    AIA 1975-
Brinkley, James    WA    AIA 1977- ; FAIA 2008
Brinkley, Kenneth Gordon    PA    AIA 1978-
Brinkman, Fred. A. (Frederick Adolph) (d. 1961)    MT    AIA 1920-
Brinkman, Frederick Adolph see Brinkman, Fred. A. (Frederick Adolph) (d. 1961)    MT    AIA 1920-
Brinkman, Joseph Jerome (d. 1989)    KS    AIA 1949-
Brinkman, William A.    NE    AIA 1977-
Fred A. Brinkman & Percy H. Lenon (firm)    MT
Brinson, David see Brinson, J. David (Justin David)    LA    AIA 1972-
Brinson, J. David (Justin David)    LA    AIA 1972-
Brinson, Justin David see Brinson, J. David (Justin David)    LA    AIA 1972-
Briscoe, Birdsall P. (d. 1971)    TX    AIA 1921-; FAIA 1949.
Briscoe, John Lindsay    OR    AIA 1960-
Briscoe & Berry (firm)    OH
Brisker, Sydney H.    CA    AIA 1953-
Briskin, Bertrand Leonard    NY    AIA 1963-
Brisson, Steven James    FL    AIA 1978-
Bristle, Joseph H. (1885-1955)    IL    AIA 1926-1935
Bristow, James Edwin    TX    AIA 1967-1975
Brite, James (1865-1942)    NY; FL    AIA 1908-
Brito, Heriberto J.    VA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Britsch, Carl Conrad (1889-1974)    OH    AIA 1938-; FAIA 1957.
Britsch, Macelwane & Assocs. (firm)    OH
Britsch, Macelwane, Poseler & Lubeck (firm)    OH
Britsch & Munger (firm)    OH
Britt, Benjamin Franklin    VA; FL    AIA 1960-
Britt, James Rosser (d. 1954)    GA    AIA 1953-
Britt, Robert Lloyd    FL    AIA 1977-
Britt, Stanford R.    MD    Assoc. AIA 1975-1977; AIA 1977-; FAIA 1992.
Brittain, Charles Hill    GA    AIA 1972-
Brittell, Dwayne Marvin    OR    AIA 1973-1978
Brittelle, William Miles (d. 1970)    NM    AIA 1947-
Brittelle, William Miles, Jr.    NM    AIA 1962-
Brittelle-Ginner & Associates, Inc. (firm)    NM
Brittman, Stanley Selig    NJ    AIA 1969-1973
Britton, Earle Vernon    TX    AIA 1971-1977
Britton, James Albert    MA    AIA 1943-
Britton, John A.    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brixen, Martin Gerald (d. 1993)    UT    AIA 1958-; FAIA 1985.
Brixen & Christopher (firm)    UT
Brizee, Bernard N.    NY    AIA 1969-
Brizee, Dennis    AZ    AIA 1972-
Broad, Thomas Dohoney (1893-1985)    TX    AIA 1924-1935; 1938-; FAIA 1951.
Broad and Nelson (firm)    TX
Broadfoot, A. Robert (Albert Robert), Jr. (d. 1993)    FL    AIA 1955-
Broadfoot, Albert Robert, Jr. see Broadfoot, A. Robert (Albert Robert), Jr. (d. 1993)    FL    AIA 1955-
Broadfoot, Robert see Broadfoot, A. Robert (Albert Robert), Jr. (d. 1993)    FL    AIA 1955-
Broadhead, Stephen S.    KY    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Broadwell, Edwin Sherman    TX    AIA 1978-
Broadwell, James J.    TN    AIA 1915-1916; 1920-1927
Broadwell, James Lambert, Jr.    LA    AIA 1961-
Broady, Raymond Maurice    IL    AIA 1973-1975
Broaten, E. O.    IA    AIA 1921-1926
Broberg, Wallace M.    MN    AIA 1978-
Brocato, Frank Nicholas    LA    AIA 1959-1968; 1975-
Brocato, Gerald P.    FL    AIA 1974-1975; 1976-
Brocato, Joseph Myron    LA    AIA 1949-; FAIA 1972.
Brocato, Joseph Myron, Jr.    LA    AIA 1975-
Brocato-Bentin (firm)    LA
Brocaw, Larry Don    OK; MO    AIA 1970-
Brocchini, Ronald Gene    CA    AIA 1960-; FAIA 1978.
Broches, Paul    NY    AIA 1976-; FAIA 1991.
Brochstein, Raymond D.    TX    AIA 1978-; FAIA 1996.
Brock, Claude Victor see Brock, Victor (d. 1975)    TX    AIA 1953-
Brock, George Lee (1922-2013)    MS    AIA 1950-1979
Brock, George S. (d. 1978)    DC    AIA 1955-
Brock, George S. (d. 1970s)    DC    AIA 1955-
Brock, Gerald Dennis    OR    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brock, Victor (d. 1975)    TX    AIA 1953-
Brock, William B. (d. 1961)    KY    AIA 1943-
Brock, William Olen (d. 1977)    CA    AIA 1967-
Brock and Johnson, Architects (firm)    KY
Brock & Mabrey (firm)    TX
Victor Brock-Leslie Mabrey & Assocs. (firm)    TX
Brocker, Bodo A. (d. 1962)    MI    AIA 1961-
Brocker, Robert John (d. 1975)    PA    AIA 1936-; FAIA 1966.
Brockert, Roy J.    MI    AIA 1977-
Brockett, John W.    OR    AIA 1969-
Brockie, Arthur H. (d. 1946)    PA    AIA 1901-; FAIA 1931.
Brocklesby, William C. (1848-1910)    CT    AIA 1901-
Brockman, Gary W.    OH    AIA 1974-
Brockman, Harold J.    NE; IL    AIA 1965-
Brockman, Henry Charles    NY    AIA 1955-1959
Brockmeyer, Gene Weston    OR    AIA 1977-
Brockow, Gene Harry (d. 1956)    CA    AIA 1945-
Brockstedt, Martin John    NY    AIA 1972-
Brockway, Albert L. (d. 1933)    NY    AIA 1898-; FAIA 1898.
Brockway, Lee J. (d. 2008)    IN    AIA 1963-
Brockway, Robert Young    NY
Brockway, William Robert    CA; LA    AIA 1954-; FAIA 1974.
Brockwell, Dan Hawley    VA    AIA 1976-
Brockwell, Samuel William    MA; SC    AIA 1972-
Brode, Eugene G.    TX    AIA 1975-1977
Broder, Richard    CA    AIA 1966-
Broder, Robert Anthony    MA    AIA 1970-
Broderick, John Carroll    NE    AIA 1960-
Broderick, William Truman    FL    AIA 1975-
Brodersen, William Earl    MN    AIA 1957-1962
Brodersen & Rice (firm)    MN
Brodeur, Victor E., Jr.    FL; CT    AIA 1964-1972
Brodhead, Charles D., Jr.    NY    Assoc. AIA 1972-1974; AIA 1974-
Brodie, Charles Gilbert    NY    AIA 1978-
Brodie, James Alexander (d. 1968)    NH    AIA 1956-
Brodie, Menasha J.    MD    AIA 1963-; FAIA 1990.
Brodie, Robert (1911-2000)    MI    AIA 1954-1962
Brodie, Walter Scott    MA    AIA 1962-
Brodie & Harding, Inc. (firm)    MA
Brodle, Lawrence T.    MN    AIA 1968-1973; 1975-
Brodnax, A. Carroll (Auda Carroll) (d. 1980)    TX    AIA 1955-
Brodnax, Auda Carroll see Brodnax, A. Carroll (Auda Carroll) (d. 1980)    TX    AIA 1955-
Brodnax, Carroll see Brodnax, A. Carroll (Auda Carroll) (d. 1980)    TX    AIA 1955-
Brodnax, Phenix & Assocs. (firm)    TX
Brodrick, Byron Chandler (d. 1965)    CA    AIA 1950-
Brodrick, Frank William (d. 1977)    NY    AIA 1946-
Brodrick, Hermon Stephens (d. 2005)    OH    AIA 1952-
Brodrick-Makarius (firm)    OH
Brodsky, Avrom David    OK    AIA 1965-
Brodsky, Daniel Warren    AZ    AIA 1966-
Brodsky, Jerrold Ira    IL    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brodsky, Hopf & Adler (firm)    NY
Brodt, Bruce Allen    NC    AIA 1971-
Brody, Lowell (d. 2001)    NJ; CT    AIA 1961-
Brody, Samuel Mandell (1926-1992)    NY    AIA 1956-; FAIA 1969.
Brodzinsky, Edward Philip    NY; MA    AIA 1972-1974; 1975-
Broecker, Arthur Rosencrants    IN    AIA 1954-1962
Broecker, Erwin Lewis (d. 1996)    MI    AIA 1943-
Broemel, Mary Christina    NM    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Broesche, Travis (d. 2004)    TX    AIA 1958-
Broesder, David    MN    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Broggini, Edwin F.    OH    AIA 1972-1973; 1978-
Brogniez, Raymond H. (Raymond Hector)    TX    AIA 1953-
Broida, Leonard L.    OH    AIA 1942-1944
Brokaw, John Clifford    CO    AIA 1967-
Brom, Richard Hovey    IA    AIA 1959-
Broman, Harry F. (d. 2006)    WA    AIA 1946-1963; 1974-
Bromberg, Milton    NY    AIA 1976-
Bromblet & Baldwin & Assocs. (firm)    OK
Bromley, R. Scott    NY    AIA 1978-
Bromley, Scott see Bromley, R. Scott    NY    AIA 1978-
Bronfen, Robert see Bronfen, S. Robert    CA    AIA 1977-
Bronfen, S. Robert    CA    AIA 1977-
Bronger, John Turpie    CA; WA    AIA 1965-1974
Bronikowski, Joseph J.    NJ    AIA 1959-
Bronson, Laurence Decatur    TN    AIA 1974-
Bronson, Thomas H.    IL    AIA 1974-1975
Brookbank, Thomas Henry    NC; GA    AIA 1951-1972
Brookbank and Murphy (firm)    GA
Brookbank, Murphy & Shields (firm)    GA
Brooke, Barton Easby (d. 1935)    OH    AIA 1923-
Brooke, Frederick H. (1876-1960)    DC    AIA 1920-
Brooker, Harry A.    OH    AIA 1921-1923
Brooker, Leonard Albert (d. 1978)    CA    AIA 1957-
Brooker, Richard Irwin (1927-2019)    MA    AIA 1966-
Brookfield, G. Piers (George Piers) (d. 1975)    DC    AIA 1929-
Brookfield, George Piers see Brookfield, G. Piers (George Piers) (d. 1975)    DC    AIA 1929-
Brookfield, Piers see Brookfield, G. Piers (George Piers) (d. 1975)    DC    AIA 1929-
Brookie, Dale Stuart    WA    AIA 1970-
Brookins, Sanford Augustus (1877-1968)    FL
Brookman, Herman (d. 1973)    OR; CA    AIA 1926-; FAIA 1951.
Brooks, Alfred Pope (d. 2000)    PA    AIA 1957-
Brooks, Allan Richard (d. 2003)    MA    AIA 1958-
Brooks, Allan Robert    PA    AIA 1961-
Brooks, Arthur Hendricks, Jr. (1916-2001)    MA    AIA 1948-
Brooks, Charles J.    PA    AIA 1971-1975; 1976-1977
Brooks, Daniel Robert    OH    AIA 1978-
Brooks, David George (d. 1999)    TX    AIA 1963-
Brooks, David Renfrew    NJ    AIA 1965-1977
Brooks, Earl Gale    CA    AIA 1956-1960
Brooks, Edward Byron    TX    AIA 1964-
Brooks, Edward R.    TX    AIA 1975-
Brooks, Elizabeth Carter (1867-1951)    MA
Brooks, Eugene Nobles (d. 1984)    VA    AIA 1946-
Brooks, Eugene Tatum    CA    AIA 1965-1966; 1969-1971; 1975-1976
Brooks, Frederic A.    OH    AIA 1900-1902
Brooks, George Thomas, Jr.    NJ    AIA 1975-
Brooks, Gordon Arthur    SD    AIA 1961-
Brooks, Irving    NY    AIA 1950-1954
Brooks, J. Woolson (John Woolson)    IA    AIA 1936-1967; 1973-; FAIA 1947.
Brooks, James Richard    TX    AIA 1964-1967
Brooks, Joe B., Jr.    TX    AIA 1969-
Brooks, John Woolson see Brooks, J. Woolson (John Woolson)    IA    AIA 1936-1967; 1973-; FAIA 1947.
Brooks, Kenneth D.    VA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brooks, Kenneth William (d. 1996)    WA    AIA 1959-; FAIA 1967.
Brooks, LaVere    TX    AIA 1953-
Brooks, Max see Brooks, R. Max (Robert Max) (d. 1987)    TX    AIA 1942-; FAIA 1956.
Brooks, R. Max (Robert Max) (d. 1987)    TX    AIA 1942-; FAIA 1956.
Brooks, Robert A.    TX    AIA 1974-
Brooks, Robert Max see Brooks, R. Max (Robert Max) (d. 1987)    TX    AIA 1942-; FAIA 1956.
Brooks, Rodger Alan    KS    AIA 1973-
Brooks, Roger William    AZ    AIA 1971-
Brooks, Ronald Gene    VA; TX    AIA 1970-
Brooks, Stanford G.    PA    AIA 1968-1977
Brooks, Woolson see Brooks, J. Woolson (John Woolson)    IA    AIA 1936-1967; 1973-; FAIA 1947.
Brooks & Barr (firm)    TX
Brooks, Barr, Graeber & White (firm)    TX
Brooks-Borg (firm)    IA
Brooks & Brooks (firm)    TX
Brooks & Coddington (firm)    OH
Ken Brooks & Partners (firm)    WA
Brooks & Redfoot (firm)    PA
Brooks & Womack (firm)    VA
Brooks-Miller, Donald L. (d. 2000)    IL    AIA 1960-1968; 1979-
Broome, John William    OR    AIA 1963-; FAIA 1975.
Broome, Lewis H.    NY
Broome, Selig & Oringdulph, Architects & Planners (firm)    OR
Brophy, Thomas D'Arcy    NY    AIA 1921-1941
Brors, David Peter    IL    AIA 1971-
Brosche, Michael J., Jr.    FL    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Broshar, Robert Clare    IA    AIA 1960-; FAIA 1977.
Brosmith, Bert    NY
Bross, Peter Paul (d. 1950)    MN    AIA 1947-
Brosso, Robert A.    PA    AIA 1971-
Brost, David Lee    IA    AIA 1965-
Brostrom, Ernest Olaf (1888-1969)    MO    AIA 1921-1929; 1947-
Ernest O. Brostrom (firm)    MO
Brothers, D. Stephen    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brothers, Gerald Richard    RI    AIA 1973-
Brothers, Stephen see Brothers, D. Stephen    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brotherson, Donald Edward (d. 2005)    IL    AIA 1965-
Brotherton, F. Philip (Frank Philip)    IL; CT    AIA 1961-
Brotherton, Frank Philip see Brotherton, F. Philip (Frank Philip)    IL; CT    AIA 1961-
Brotherton, Philip see Brotherton, F. Philip (Frank Philip)    IL; CT    AIA 1961-
Brotherton, Robert E.    UT    AIA 1978-
Brotman, Benjamin    MD    AIA 1953-
Brotman, David Joel    MD    AIA 1972-; FAIA 1998.
Brotnow, Robert William    CA    AIA 1973-
Brott, Morris Paul (d. 2001)    MD    AIA 1963-
Broudy, Charles Edward (d. 2007)    PA    AIA 1962-; FAIA 1987.
Broudy, Sherrill Jay    CA    AIA 1955-1956; 1978-
Broughton, Albert Kenith    MD    AIA 1961-1974; 1977-
Broughton, Michael B.    VA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brouk, Richard B.    MO    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brouschor, Donald Omer    MI    AIA 1964-
Broussard, J. Otto, III    LA    AIA 1965-1970
Broussard, Otto see Broussard, J. Otto, III    LA    AIA 1965-1970
Broussard, Randall Doyle    LA    AIA 1976-
Broussard, Thaddeus Arlington (d. 2005)    LA    AIA 1949-
Brout, Benedict see Brout, R. Benedict (d. 1994)    CA    AIA 1946-1971; 1976-
Brout, R. Benedict (d. 1994)    CA    AIA 1946-1971; 1976-
Brouwer, Dirk Willem (d. 1963)    NY    AIA 1949-
Brovold, Ray    MN    AIA 1978-
Broward, Charles Sullivan, Jr.    FL    AIA 1956-1967
Broward, Robert Charles    FL    AIA 1956-1975; 1977-
Browder, Raymond Johnson    CA    AIA 1954-1959
Brower, Gerald Grant    UT    AIA 1978-
Brower, Grant C.    ID    AIA 1956-1973
Grant C. Brower & Assocs. (firm)    ID
Brown, A. Page (1859-1896)    NY; CA    AIA 1894-; FAIA 1894.
Brown, A. Ten Eyck (d. 1940)    GA    AIA 1916-1938
Brown, Albert Grant (1881-1924)    WV
Brown, Alfred Ernest (d. 1959)    MI    AIA 1955-
Brown, Allen O.    KS    AIA 1978-
Brown, Anderson Wynne    TX    AIA 1956-1960
Brown, Archibald Manning (1881-1956)    NY    AIA 1930-; FAIA 1943.
Brown, Arthur, Jr. (1874-1957)    CA    AIA 1916-; FAIA 1930.
Brown, Arthur    OH    AIA 1964-1975
Brown, Arthur A.    TX    AIA 1925-1931
Brown, Arthur G. (d. 1934)    IL    AIA 1911-1925
Brown, Arthur Thomas (d. 1993)    AZ    AIA 1941-; FAIA 1961.
Brown, Arthur W. (d. 2005)    MA; MD    AIA 1956-
Brown, Arthur Wayne    FL    AIA 1973-
Brown, Bill    IN    AIA 1976-
Brown, Bruce Klee    SC    AIA 1970-
Brown, C. Eugene    LA    AIA 1973-
Brown, Cameron Redfern    PA; OH    AIA 1942-1947
Brown, Carrol H.    CA    AIA 1900-1915
Brown, Charles Bernard    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brown, Charles M.    IN    AIA 1947-1972
Brown, Charles Richard, Jr.    TX    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brown, Chester Anderson (d. 1980)    MA    AIA 1938-
Brown, Cicero Hubbard, Jr.    MD    AIA 1960-1971; 1972-1973
Brown, Clarence J.    MN    AIA 1921-1924
Brown, Clifford C. (d. 1953)    OH    AIA 1917-
Brown, Coleman Douglas    LA    Assoc. AIA 1973-1975; AIA 1975-
Brown, Conrad Nagel, Jr.    OK    AIA 1965-
Brown, Daniel F.    NY    Assoc. AIA 1974-
Brown, Daphne E.    AK    AIA 1978-
Brown, David C.    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brown, David Edward    MI    AIA 1978-
Brown, David J.    OK    AIA 1972-
Brown, David R.    ID    AIA 1976-
Brown, David Robert, III    OR    Assoc. AIA 1977-
Brown, Dean Dayon (d. 1996)    CA    AIA 1969-
Brown, Dennis Bruce    DC    AIA 1976-
Brown, Dennis R.    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brown, Dennis Richard    MI    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brown, Don Robert    MA    AIA 1977-
Brown, Donald Charles    AL    Assoc. AIA 1975-1977; AIA 1977-
Brown, Donald Ellsworth    SC    AIA 1955-1958
Brown, Donald Eugene    TN    AIA 1967-1969
Brown, Donald Joseph    NY    AIA 1956-1977
Brown, Donald Lee    VA    AIA 1977-
Brown, Donald Melvin    CA    AIA 1960-
Brown, Donald Raymond    CA    AIA 1966-
Brown, Donald Wickware    CA    AIA 1958-1963
Brown, Douglas Alexander    CA    AIA 1965-
Brown, Dwight Carl    KS    AIA 1947-
Brown, E. Raymond (d. 1954)    CA    AIA 1953-
Brown, Ebba Wicks (d. 2006)    OR    AIA 1956-
Brown, Edwin H. (1874-1939)    MN; NM; DC    AIA 1913-; FAIA 1926.
Brown, Edwin Lee (d. before 1902)    IL    AIA 1858-1864; FAIA 1858.
Brown, Ellery K., Jr.    ID    AIA 1974-1977
Brown, Elliott Foss (d. 1959)    OR    AIA 1952-
Brown, Ernest Edward    OR    AIA 1956-
Brown, Eugene see Brown, C. Eugene    LA    AIA 1973-
Brown, Eugene Currie    IN    AIA 1960-
Brown, Eugene Franklin    GA    AIA 1970-
Brown, Eugene Louis    IN    AIA 1954-1966
Brown, Eugene Wilson    NC    AIA 1969-
Brown, Everett I. (d. 1960)    IN    AIA 1947-
Brown, Eyler (d. 1967)    OR    AIA 1948-
Brown, F. W.    NY    AIA 1873; FAIA 1873.
Brown, Floyd Irving, Jr.    TX    AIA 1974-1977; 1978-
Brown, Floyd W.    MN    AIA 1931-1932
Brown, Frank Chouteau (d. 1947)    MA    AIA 1909-; FAIA 1940.
Brown, Frank Clifton (d. 1969)    MA    AIA 1947-
Brown, Franklin John    OH    AIA 1974-
Brown, Fred Lee    WA    AIA 1978-
Brown, Frederick Lord    PA    AIA 1922-1927
Brown, Frederick N., Jr. (d. 1977)    RI    AIA 1936-
Brown, G. Richard (George Richard)    VA    AIA 1957-
Brown, Gale see Brown, J. Gale (John Gale)    IL    AIA 1964-
Brown, Gene see Brown, Eugene Wilson    NC    AIA 1969-
Brown, George C.    AL    AIA 1975-
Brown, George David, Jr. (1906-1994)    NY    AIA 1947-; FAIA 1967.
Brown, George Dewey (1898-1969)    WV    AIA 1946-
Brown, George Richard see Brown, G. Richard (George Richard)    VA    AIA 1957-
Brown, Georgia Louise Harris (1918-1999)    IL; Brazil
Brown, Gerald William    IL    AIA 1978-
Brown, Glenn (1854-1932)    DC    AIA 1882-; FAIA 1887.
Brown, Gordon Vallance    AZ    AIA 1970-
Brown, Grafton Tyler (1841-1918)    CA
Brown, Gregory MacKinnon    CA    AIA 1978-
Brown, H. Sanborn (d. 1997)    MI    AIA 1942-
Brown, Hamilton (d. 1973)    TX    AIA 1941-; FAIA 1959.
Brown, Harman see Brown, S. Harman (Stewart Harman) (d. 1981)    PA    AIA 1960-
Brown, Harold W. (d. 1984)    SD    AIA 1968-1975
Brown, Henry Edward, Jr.    FL    AIA 1957-
Brown, Henry Ingersoll, III    PA    AIA 1970-
Brown, Herbert Hamilton see Brown, Hamilton (d. 1973)    TX    AIA 1941-; FAIA 1959.
Brown, Hugh W.    CO    AIA 1972-
Brown, Hugh Wood (d. 1986)    OK    AIA 1944-
Brown, Hyder Joseph, Jr. (d. 1981)    CA    AIA 1964-
Brown, Irving Forbes    CA    AIA 1947-1963
Brown, J. Gale (John Gale)    IL    AIA 1964-
Brown, J. Martin    MI    AIA 1918-1925
Brown, Jack    NY    AIA 1962-
Brown, Jack Howell    WA    AIA 1968-
Brown, Jack Wyman    MI    AIA 1956-
Brown, James B.    MT    AIA 1978-
Brown, James David    PA    AIA 1973-
Brown, James Lee    CA    AIA 1974-1977
Brown, James Lee    TX    AIA 1978-
Brown, James Parrish    GA; SC    AIA 1975-
Brown, James Robert    KS    AIA 1973-1975
Brown, James Sanger    NY    AIA 1961-1967
Brown, James Thomas    NM    AIA 1977-
Brown, James Troy    TX    AIA 1971-
Brown, Janet Leigh    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brown, Jeffrey Jay (d. 2006)    TX    AIA 1978-
Brown, Jeffrey Ronald    IL    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brown, Jeffrey Winton    MA    AIA 1969-
Brown, Jennie Sue    WA    AIA 1978-; FAIA 1994.
Brown, John Andrews (d. 1989)    KS    AIA 1950-
Brown, John Charles    NC    AIA 1973-
Brown, John Eldo    AZ    AIA 1977-
Brown, John Gale see Brown, J. Gale (John Gale)    IL    AIA 1964-
Brown, John Hall (d. 1996)    TX    AIA 1946-
Brown, John Hall, Jr.    TX    AIA 1968-
Brown, John Scott    DC    AIA 1975-1978
Brown, John T.    GA    AIA 1975-
Brown, John Thomas, Jr.    OH    AIA 1978-
Brown, John Wilson    NC    AIA 1974-
Brown, Joseph    RI
Brown, Joseph Kurth    TX    AIA 1977-
Brown, Joseph R.    MO    AIA 1975-
Brown, Joshua (1890-1965)    NY    AIA 1945-
Brown, Julian Glynn    LA    AIA 1972-1977
Brown, Keith A.    MI    AIA 1970-1975
Brown, Keith DeNevin    NY    AIA 1950-
Brown, Keith Thomas    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brown, Kenneth Francis (1919-2014)    HI    AIA 1950-; FAIA 1985.
Brown, Kenneth Verne    KS    AIA 1962-1977
Brown, La Grand Bennion (d. 1999)    CA    AIA 1973-
Brown, Lane see Brown, W. Lane    OR    AIA 1978-
Brown, Laurence C.    FL    AIA 1974-
Brown, Lawrence S.    GA    AIA 1967-
Brown, Leon (d. 1992)    PA; DC    AIA 1942-; FAIA 1969.
Brown, Leonard see Brown, V. Leonard, Jr. (d. 1976)    CA    AIA 1959-
Brown, Leroy J. H. (d. 1993)    DC    AIA 1956-1966; 1967-1972
Brown, Leslie Anne    GA    AIA 1978-
Brown, Lewis Long    FL    AIA 1978-
Brown, Lewis Reid    LA    AIA 1969-
Brown, Linda A.    TX    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brown, Lyle Howard    CA; NY    AIA 1965-1966; 1970-1973
Brown, Lynwood E., Jr.    MD    AIA 1970-
Brown, Marshall Dwight (d. 1994)    MO; VA    AIA 1942-; FAIA 1967.
Brown, Martin see Brown, J. Martin    MI    AIA 1918-1925
Brown, Martin Edward    OK    AIA 1978-
Brown, Melvin E.    AR    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brown, Mitchell A.    MO    AIA 1978-
Brown, Nash Adolphus    CA    AIA 1976-
Brown, Page see Brown, A. Page (1859-1896)    CA    AIA 1894-; FAIA 1894.
Brown, Parker J. (d. 1975)    MA    AIA 1957-
Brown, Paul Bradley    MI    AIA 1945-; FAIA 1966.
Brown, Paul Pitts    OH    AIA 1956-
Brown, Perry Lawrence (d. 1993)    LA    AIA 1949-
Brown, Peter Gilbert    MA    AIA 1967-1976
Brown, Peter Hoyt    PA    AIA 1968-
Brown, Peter Joseph    PA    AIA 1977-
Brown, Phillip Jon    CA    AIA 1977-
Brown, Phillip Lee    WA    AIA 1976-
Brown, Prentiss see Brown, W. Prentiss    OH    AIA 1977-
Brown, Raymond see Brown, E. Raymond (d. 1954)    CA    AIA 1953-
Brown, Raymond Lester, Jr.    CT    AIA 1961-
Brown, Raymond M.    OH    AIA 1978-
Brown, Raymond Player    OH    AIA 1973-1976
Brown, Reuben A.    OK    AIA 1978-
Brown, Richard see Brown, G. Richard (George Richard)    VA    AIA 1957-
Brown, Richard A.    WA    AIA 1972-1974; 1976-
Brown, Richard Edward, Jr.    PA    AIA 1976-
Brown, Richard Lewis (1854-1948)    FL
Brown, Richard Maurice    CO    AIA 1967-
Brown, Robert Charles    CA    AIA 1966-1969
Brown, Robert Elmer    CA    AIA 1959-
Brown, Robert Eugene    TN; VA    AIA 1944-1963
Brown, Robert Franklin, Jr.    PA    AIA 1970-; FAIA 1991.
Brown, Robert H., Jr.    FL    AIA 1954-
Brown, Robert Lawrence (d. 1995)    VA; WV    AIA 1946-
Brown, Robert Montgomery    AZ    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brown, Robert Montgomery    PA
Brown, Robert Peabody    MA    AIA 1960-
Brown, Robert Young, Jr.    TX    AIA 1965-
Brown, Roger D.    TX    AIA 1978-
Brown, Roger Eberle    NY    AIA 1973-
Brown, Roger L.    KS    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brown, Ross Snyder    AL    AIA 1963-
Brown, S. Harman (Stewart Harman) (d. 1981)    PA    AIA 1960-
Brown, Samuel J. (1853-1926)    MA    AIA 1901-
Brown, Samuel R.    TX    AIA 1974-
Brown, Sanborn see Brown, H. Sanborn (d. 1997)    MI    AIA 1942-
Brown, Saul Harris (1896-1956)    CA    AIA 1924-1927
Brown, Sheldon    CA    AIA 1969-1972
Brown, Sherman Thomas    VA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brown, Sidney H.    PA    AIA 1924-1952
Brown, Stanley (d. 1981)    TX    AIA 1951-
Brown, Stanley E.    CO    AIA 1978-
Brown, Stephen A.    CA    AIA 1976-
Brown, Stewart Harman see Brown, S. Harman (Stewart Harman) (d. 1981)    PA    AIA 1960-
Brown, Stewart L. (d. 1945)    PA    AIA 1937-
Brown, Tarlee W.    GA    AIA 1974-
Brown, Ten Eyck see Brown, A. Ten Eyck (d. 1940)    GA    AIA 1916-1938
Brown, Terence Leo    PA    AIA 1971-
Brown, Theodore Cecil, Sr.    NC    AIA 1970-1974
Brown, Theodore W.    CA    AIA 1976-
Brown, Thomas Boone    PA    AIA 1963-
Brown, Thomas Everett    CA    AIA 1968-
Brown, Thomas Neil    TX    AIA 1969-
Brown, Troy Jerome, Jr.    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brown, V. Leonard, Jr. (d. 1976)    CA    AIA 1959-
Brown, W. Lane    OR    AIA 1978-
Brown, W. Prentiss    OH    AIA 1977-
Brown, W. R.    OH    WAA 1887; AIA 1889-1915; FAIA 1889.
Brown, Wallace Hazlitt (d. 1989)    WI; AZ    AIA 1947-
Brown, Walter Arthur (d. 1989)    VA    AIA 1967-
Brown, Walter Dean    CT    AIA 1967-
Brown, Walter George, Jr.    OR    AIA 1955-
Brown, Walter Niels    CA    AIA 1955-1959
Brown, Ward (d. 1946)    DC; VA    AIA 1910-1940
Brown, Warren Albert    WA    AIA 1954-1964; 1966-1971; 1978-
Brown, William A. (engineer) see Marcellus Wright & Son (firm)    VA
Brown, William Elbert    CA    AIA 1959-
Brown, William Faye    KY    AIA 1970-
Brown, William Hansen    CA    AIA 1964-
Brown, William Hayden    OH    AIA 1956-?; 1978-
Brown, William Henry    NY    AIA 1970-1975
Brown, William Hoskins    MA    AIA 1948-1973
Brown, William J.    OH    AIA 1962-
Brown, William Jay (d. 1977)    IA    AIA 1921-
Brown, William Lee    TX    AIA 1971-1977
Brown, William Martin, Jr. (1925-1993)    NJ    AIA 1965-
Brown, William Phillips, II (1930-2017)    VA    AIA 1959-
Brown, William Rollie (d. 1987)    OK    AIA 1946-
Brown, William Selsor    NY    AIA 1947-
Brown, William V.    IN    Assoc. AIA 1975-
Brown, William Wyman    MA; VA    AIA 1972-
Brown, Woodlief Fullmore    TX    AIA 1951-; FAIA 1992.
Brown & Avila (firm)    CA
Brown & Chapman (firm)    TX
Frederick N. Brown, Jr. (firm)    RI
Brown & Gresham (firm)    VA
Brown & Guenther (firm)    NY
Brown Guenther Battaglia Galvin (firm)    NY
Brown & Hagman (firm)    NY
Brown & Hale (firm)    NJ
Brown & Head & Associates (firm)    OH
Paul Brown & John Head (firm)    OH
Brown, Healey & Bock (firm)    IA
Brown-Heldt Assocs. (firm)    CA
John J. Brown (firm)    OH
Brown, Lawford & Forbes (firm)    NY
Brown & Lindquist, Inc. (firm)    MA
Brown, McCurdy & Nerrie (firm)    CA
Brown & McKim (firm)    TX
Brown, Moore & Brown (firm)    TX
Brown & Rawdon (firm)    CA
Brown & Root, Inc. (firm)    TX
S. Harman Brown Associates (firm)    PA
Brown & Slemmons (firm)    KS
Brown-Slemmons-Krueger, Professional Association (firm)    KS
Brown & Takigawa (firm)    CA
William Jay Brown (firm)    IA
Brown, Wright & Mano (firm)    DC
Browne, Charles Lowman    TX    AIA 1924-1929
Browne, Chester see Browne, W. Chester (William Chester)    MA    AIA 1945-1975
Browne, Cochrane (d. 1977)    CA    AIA 1962-
Browne, Henry James    VA    AIA 1964-
Browne, Herbert W. C. (1860-1946)    MA    AIA 1913-; FAIA 1926.
Browne, John Prentixx see Browne, Prentiss (d. 2005)    MD    AIA 1953-1975; ?-
Browne, Larry Robert    OH    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Browne, Nathaniel B., Jr.    GA    AIA 1968-
Browne, Prentiss (d. 2005)    MD    AIA 1953-1975; ?-
Browne, Randolph Maury (d. 1936)    VA    AIA 1921-
Browne, Robert B.    FL    AIA 1979-1980
Browne, Robert Bradford (1922-1987)    FL    AIA 1965-; FAIA 1978.
Browne, Robert Lee    TN    AIA 1960-
Browne, Thomas B.    MI    AIA 1963-
Browne, Thomas S.    DC; VA; PA; NJ; NY    AIA 1922-1935
Browne, W. Chester (William Chester)    MA    AIA 1945-1975
Browne, William Aaron    MS    AIA 1956-
Browne, William Chester see Browne, W. Chester (William Chester)    MA    AIA 1945-1975
Browne, William Douglas    CA    AIA 1960-1963
Richard P. Browne Assoc. Engineers, Planners & Architects (firm)    MD
Brownell, J. Herbert (James Herbert) (1916-2005)    CA    AIA 1951-
Brownell, Scott D.    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Browneller, Wayne    CO    AIA 1959-1962
Brownfield, William Ray    CA    AIA 1977-
Browning, Christopher Paul    IA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Browning, Hugh Clarence    MA    AIA 1977-
Browning, Joe C.    AR    AIA 1977-
Browning, John V.    TX    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Browning, Leon Eugene (d. 1994)    KY    AIA 1961-
Browning, Thomas Jefferson    CO    AIA 1972-1976
Browning, Victor Stokes    SC    AIA 1970-
Browning, William Moyle    UT    AIA 1969-
Brownlee, Ernest Leroy, Jr.    GA    AIA 1970-
Brownrigg, John Newman, Jr. (d. 1992)    NY    AIA 1948-
Brownson, Jacques C.    MI; IL    AIA 1966-1971
Brownstein, Robert Bennett    MO    AIA 1975-
Broyhill, Kent Ira    TX    AIA 1963-
Broyles, Robert Franklin    ID    AIA 1976-
Brozek, Christoph    AZ    AIA 1975-
Brozek, Josef Tomas    MA    AIA 1972-
Brozek, Lawrence H.    IL    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brozovich, John Matt    CA    AIA 1974-1976
Brubaker, C. William (Charles William) (1926-2002)    IL    AIA 1953-; FAIA 1968.
Brubaker, Charles William see Brubaker, C. William (Charles William) (1926-2002)    IL    AIA 1953-; FAIA 1968.
Brubaker, Gerald C.    IN    AIA 1942-1961
Brubaker, Henry Clay    IN    AIA 1911-1917
Brubaker, Leland Frank    OH    AIA 1955-
Brubaker, William see Brubaker, C. William (Charles William) (1926-2002)    IL    AIA 1953-; FAIA 1968.
Brubaker & Brandt (firm)    OH
Brubaker, Brandt, Inc. (firm)    OH
Bruce, Alexander C. (d. 1927)    GA    AIA 1873-; FAIA 1889.
Bruce, Barry B.    TX    AIA 1978-; FAIA 1994.
Bruce, Davis K. (d. 2002)    NY    AIA 1981-
Bruce, Edwin Baldwin    NY    AIA 1959-
Bruce, Ernest Warren (d. 2008)    CA    AIA 1961-1973
Bruce, George (d. 1957)    FL    AIA 1942-1949; 1950-1954
Bruce, Gordon G.    CA    AIA 1978-
Bruce, Henry Clay, Jr.    CA    AIA 1972-
Bruce, James Bailey    AK    AIA 1974-
Bruce, James E.    SC    AIA 1971-
Bruce, James Yates (d. 2004)    FL; GA    AIA 1958-
Bruce, Michael Norris    CA    AIA 1976-
Bruce, Morris M. (d. 1942)    CA    AIA 1916-
Bruce, Neil Robert    AL    AIA 1967-
Bruce, Robert L.    OH    AIA 1972-
Bruce, Robert Orris    TX    AIA 1957-1961; 1964-1966
Bruce & Hansen (firm)    CA
Bruce & Parrish (firm)    FL
Bruck, Christopher S.    TX    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Bruck, F. Frederick (Ferdinand Frederick) (1921-1997)    MA    AIA 1957-
Bruck, Ferdinand Frederick see Bruck, F. Frederick (Ferdinand Frederick) (1921-1997)    MA    AIA 1957-
Bruck, Frederick see Bruck, F. Frederick (Ferdinand Frederick) (1921-1997)    MA    AIA 1957-
Bruck, Robert J.    CA    AIA 1973-1976
Brucker, Walter Tuley    CA    AIA 1977-
Brudevold, Sigmund A.    WA    AIA 1973-1976
Brudevold & Putnam (firm)    WA
Brudno, Ann E.    TX    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Bruecker, John Frank    WI    AIA 1957-
Brueggeman, Edward F.    AR    AIA 1941-1956
Brueggeman, George F. A. (d. 1936)    MO    AIA 1908-; FAIA 1915.
Bruer, Otto J. (d. 1985)    CA    AIA 1957-
Bruflodt, Milton    MN    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brugger, John T.    PA    AIA 1926-1931
Brugger, John Thompson, Jr. (d. 2004)    PA    AIA 1952-1957; 1968-
Brugger & Freeman see Yerkes, Brugger, Freeman (firm)    PA
Brukin, Adolph Norman    NY
Brull, Thomas T.    IL    AIA 1974-
Brulport, Donald Joseph    OH    AIA 1976-
Brumbaugh, Edwin see Brumbaugh, G. Edwin (George Edwin) (d. 1984)    PA    AIA 1920-; FAIA 1946.
Brumbaugh, G. Edwin (George Edwin) (d. 1984)    PA    AIA 1920-; FAIA 1946.
Brumbaugh, George Edwin see Brumbaugh, G. Edwin (George Edwin) (d. 1984)    PA    AIA 1920-; FAIA 1946.
Brumfield, Harold C., Jr.    MS    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brumfield, Harold Carter    MS    AIA 1959-
Brumfield & Craig (firm)    MS
Brumley, Cecil Carroll    KY    AIA 1965-1974
Brumm, William H. (William Henry)    CA    AIA 1972-
Brumm, William Henry see Brumm, William H. (William Henry)    CA    AIA 1972-
Brummal, Edward Marion, Jr.    AL    AIA 1977-
Brummel, Heinz    WI    AIA 1960-
Brummett, Ivis H. (d. 1970)    AR    AIA 1951-
Brummett, James O.    CA    AIA 1966-
Brummitt, Charles William    OR; CA; WA    AIA 1960-
Brumond, Harry L    NY    AIA 1948-1961
Brun, Anthony    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Brun, Dennis James    OR    AIA 1972-
Brunatti, George C. A.    MD    AIA 1977-
Brunckhorst, Charles F. (d. 1927)    CA; IL    AIA 1924-
Brundage, Stanley Brower    VA    AIA 1958-
Brundage, Cohen, Kroskin & Assoc. (firm)    VA
Bruneau, Bill    MA; CO    Assoc. AIA 1973-1976; AIA 1976-
Bruner, Donald Leamond    MD    AIA 1976-
Bruner, Elmo C. (d. 1973)    NV    AIA 1957-
Bruner, Iber C.    PA
Bruner, James F.    SC    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Bruner, Luther R., Jr.    DC    AIA 1977-
Bruner, Martin Wayne    IL    AIA 1978-
Bruner, Van B., Jr.    NJ    AIA 1968-; FAIA 1979.
Bruner, William Richard, Jr.    OR    AIA 1977-
Bruner & Welles see Welles, Kennedy Ltd. (firm)    NV
Brunet, James Abelardo (d. 2007)    MN; NM    AIA 1940-
Brunettini, Ermes (d. 1968)    PA    AIA 1942-
Bruni, John Gordon    WI    AIA 1972-
Brunjes, George Richard, Jr.    IL    AIA 1976-
Brunk, Homer K.    KS    AIA 1961-1964
Brunken, Alan Wayne    OK    AIA 1975-
Brunkhorst, Gerard Augustus (d. 1994)    NY    AIA 1959-
Brunkow, Otto Edwin    IL    AIA 1946-1958
Brunn, Raoul Mark    DC    AIA 1957-
Brunner, Arnold W. (1857-1925)    NY    AIA 1892-; FAIA 1892.
Brunner, Carl Bean, Jr.    PR    AIA 1966-
Brunner, Charles (d. 1972)    PA    AIA 1970-
Brunner, Harold C.    ND    AIA 1953-
Brunner, Mark J. (1926-2008)    CA    AIA 1974-1979
Brunner, William A.    MO    AIA 1978-
Brunner, William Luff (d. 2003)    NJ    AIA 1942-
Brunner, Hoeffel & Bohrer (firm)    ND
Brunner, Hoeffel, Bohrer & Associates (firm)    ND
Bruno, Daniel R.    GA    AIA 1969-1972
Bruno, Edwin Carl    IL    AIA 1944-
Bruno, Harry Alexander (1908-2002)    CA    AIA 1945-; FAIA 1972.
Bruno, Horace John    CA    AIA 1963-1975
Bruno, Thomas Addison (d. 1972)    FL    AIA 1935-
Brunschwyler, Richard Grant    AL    AIA 1968-
Brunson, Eldred M., Jr.    TX    AIA 1975-
Brunson, Emma F. (1887-1980)    MN
Brunswick, Leonard Raymond (1918-1973)    CA    AIA 1964-
Brunt, John R.    MO    AIA 1930-1946
Brush, Carlton (d. 1989)    TN; TX; AL    AIA 1924-1933; 1948-
Brush, Charles E.    IL
Brush, Clinton Ethelbert, III (d. 1996)    TN    AIA 1950-; FAIA 1963.
Brush, Henry T. (d. before 1902)    MI    AIA 1875.; FAIA 1875.
Brush, Hutchison & Gwinn (firm)    TN
Brust, David Peter    WI    AIA 1969-
Brust, Frank Edward    MN    AIA 1965-
Brust, James R. (d. 1974)    DE    AIA 1964-
Brust, John Joseph (d. 1995)    WI    AIA 1942-
Brust, Paul Christopher (d. 1994)    WI    AIA 1942-
Brust, Peter (d. 1946)    WI    AIA 1911-; FAIA 1923.
Brust, William George (d. 1987)    WA    AIA 1921-1935
Brust & Brust (firm)    WI
Bruton, Bertram Alfred    CO    AIA 1968-1975
Bruton, Larry S.    OR    AIA 1978-; FAIA 1997.
Bruyere, Louis U.    OH    AIA 1920-1935
Bruza, Jim W.    OK    AIA 1975-
Bryan, A. J. (1848-1921)    CA    AIA 1921-
Bryan, Clinton Lee    WV    AIA 1969-
Bryan, Donald Earl    FL    AIA 1975-
Bryan, Frank Wingfield    TX    AIA 1954-1959
Bryan, Garlan Diggs, Jr.    NM    AIA 1954-
Bryan, Grover Conwell    MO    AIA 1975-
Bryan, Harvey John    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-1979; AIA 1979-; FAIA 1992.
Bryan, John A. (d. 1976)    MO    AIA 1939-
Bryan, John R., Jr.    SC    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Bryan, Miller see Bryan, T. Miller    FL    AIA 1928-1929
Bryan, Oliver Jackson, Jr.    CO    AIA 1956-1968
Bryan, Ralph (d. 1965)    TX    AIA 1921-1931; 1935-1937; 1947-; FAIA 1956.
Bryan, Stanley William    OR    AIA 1965-1970
Bryan, T. Miller    FL    AIA 1928-1929
Bryan, Wayne C.    IL    AIA 1969-
Bryant, Alonzo W., Jr.    CA    AIA 1978-
Bryant, Alvin E.    WA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Bryant, Andrew Daniel    DC    AIA 1965-1967; 1969-
Bryant, Bernard Leslie    LA    AIA 1969-
Bryant, Charles Irving (1928-2005)    DC    AIA 1965-1977; FAIA 1991.
Bryant, Charles Kirkpatrick    VA; FL    AIA 1921-1929
Bryant, Daniel Currie    MI    AIA 1942-
Bryant, Frank Rupert    CA    AIA 1973-
Bryant, Gridley James Fox (1876-1899)    MA
Bryant, Jack N. (d. 1992)    WA    AIA 1955-
Bryant, James Elliott    CO; WA    AIA 1968-
Bryant, John C., Jr.    WA    AIA 1957-
Bryant, John Hulon    OK    AIA 1970-; FAIA 1997.
Bryant, Richard Jennings    TX    AIA 1965-
Bryant, Richard Philip    OR    AIA 1977-
Bryant, Robert C. (d. 1953)    CO    AIA 1944-
Bryant, Robert E.    KS    AIA 1978-
Bryant, Robert Edward (1931-1995)    DC    AIA 1963-1977; 1980-; FAIA 1992.
Bryant, Vernon Carlton, Jr.    WA    AIA 1975-
Bryant & Bryant (firm)    DC
Bryant, Butterfield & Frets (firm)    WA
John C. Bryant, Jack E. Frets, Robert Butterfield (firm)    WA
Bryant, Jehle & Assocs., Architects & Engineers (firm)    CA
Bryant and Walchli see Howard T. Fisher & Associates Pruyn and Bryant, Inc. (firm)    IL
Bryar, Norman Leon    IN    AIA 1969-
Bryce, Curtis Eugene    NY    AIA 1970-1971
Bryce, S. D. (engineer) see Britsch & Munger (firm) OH
Bryce, Wilson David    MI    AIA 1972-
Brydegaard, Herluf T. J. (1911-1961)    CA    AIA 1955-
Bryden, James see Bryden, R. James    NY    AIA 1976-
Bryden, R. James    NY    AIA 1976-
Brygger, James A., Jr.    IA    AIA 1975-
Bryman, Sheldon David    NY    AIA 1966-1968
Bryn, Einar C. (d. 1948)    NY    AIA 1930-
Brynolfson, William B.    NY    AIA 1958-1972
Bryson, Joseph Henry (1907-1979)    FL    AIA 1939-
Bryson, Kenneth James    GA    AIA 1977-
Bryson, Robert H. (d. 1938)    NY    AIA 1912-
Brysselbout, Paul A. (d. 1988)    MI    AIA 1946-
Brysselbout-Starke & Hacker, Inc. (firm)    MI
Brysselbout-Starke-Hacker & Simon Inc. (firm)    MI