Browse Th

Browse Th

Thacker, John A.    CO    AIA 1968-1972
Thacker, Phillip Dean    TX    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Thackston, James N., Jr.    NC    Assoc. AIA 1977-
Thaden, Donald Earl    CA    AIA 1959-
Thaete, Walter Frederic (d. 1986)    PA    AIA 1943-
Thal, Nelson Edward (d. 1994)    OH    AIA 1952-
Nelson E. Thal (firm)    OH
Thaler, Allan Edward    NY    AIA 1965-1972
Thalheimer, Clarence S. (d. 1989)    PA    AIA 1926-1929; 1933-
Thalheimer, Jack A.    PA    AIA 1957-
Thalheimer & Weitz, Architects & Engineers (firm)    PA
Thalman, James D. (d. 1988)    WI    AIA 1959-
Thalmayr, Ronald F.    NY    AIA 1978-
Thames, Paul Kirksey (d. 1973)    NC    AIA 1970-
Tharaldson, Byron Jerome    CA    AIA 1954-1967
Tharaldson & Wright (firm)    CA
Tharp, B. Carroll (Benjamin Carroll) (d. 2004)    TX    AIA 1952-; FAIA 1985.
Tharp, Benjamin Carroll see Tharp, B. Carroll (Benjamin Carroll) (d. 2004)    TX    AIA 1952-; FAIA 1985.
Tharp, Carroll see Tharp, B. Carroll (Benjamin Carroll) (d. 2004)    TX    AIA 1952-; FAIA 1985.
Tharp, Newton J. (1867-1909)    CA    AIA 1902-
Tharp, Willis P. (1848-?)    IL; OH
Thatcher, Edwin Daisley (d. 1999)    NY    AIA 1954-
Thaxton, Murry Harold    TX    AIA 1965-1966
Thayer, C. C.    PA    AIA 1901-1909; ?-1914
Thayer, Frank    MN
Thayer, Gerald Lynn    AZ    AIA 1968-
Thayer, Harding Hulse    PA    AIA 1960-1970
Thayer, James P., Sr.    FL    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Thayer, John Sheldon    CA; KS    AIA 1963-1972
Thayer, Oscar Ransome    CA    AIA 1945-1959
Thayer, Raymond A., Jr.    MA    AIA 1970-1973
Thayer, S. J. F.    MA    AIA 1870-1879; FAIA 1871.
Thayer, William G., Jr. (d. 1970)    NY    AIA 1932-
Thayer, William Sumner    MA    AIA 1971-
Harding H. Thayer & Assoc. (firm)    PA
Thayer, Menges, St. Jean & Assocs. (firm)    PA
The Architects Collaborative see The Architects' Collaborative (firm)    MA
Thebaud, Paul V.    IL    AIA 1977-1978
Thebaud, Sacha    VI    AIA 1969-
Thébaud, Victor Emile (d. 1950)    OH; MI    AIA 1907-1931; 1932-
Thebaud & Begrow & Brown Architects, Inc. (firm)    VI
Thelander, Jerome Atlee    IL    AIA 1965-
Thelander, Nelson & Assocs. (firm)    IL
Thelen, Kenneth James    IL; FL    AIA 1957-
Thelen & Anderson (firm)    IL
Theodore, Theodore J.    IL    AIA 1956-
Theofilos, Louis G.    NY    AIA 1962-
Theriault, Robert Dennis    WA    AIA 1965-
Therkelsen, Loyde Hanis    CA    AIA 1958-1967
Therkildsen, Henry    WY    AIA 1960-
Therkildsen & Meese (firm)    WY
Thias, Edward Julius    MO    AIA 1956-
Thibault, Lois E. L.    MD    AIA 1978-
Thibodeau, Ralph A., Jr.    TX    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Thibodeaux, Eugene J.    LA    AIA 1967-
Thickel, Thomas B.    OH    AIA 1977-
Thiefels, Robert James (d. 1972)    MI    AIA 1960-1969
Thiel, Hollis Adam    CA    AIA 1970-1972
Thiel, Robert J.    MI    AIA 1966-
Thielbar, Frederick J. (d. 1941)    IL    AIA 1938-
Thiele, Charles Irwin    NY    AIA 1941-1975
Thiele, George Harvey (d. 1969)    NY    AIA 1967-
Thiele, Walter Carl Paul (d. 1986)    MD    AIA 1955-
Thienel, Robert Leroy    TX    AIA 1976-
Thienes, Paul    WA    AIA 1976-
Thier, Stanley Robert    IN; IL; MD    AIA 1961-1972; 1975-
Thies, Walter John    OH    AIA 1940-1950
Thiesen, John Henry (d. 1991)    NY    AIA 1930-
Thimgan, David C.    CA    AIA 1968-
Thimm, Joseph Robert    FL    AIA 1968-1975
Thiry, Paul Albert (1904-1993)    WA    AIA 1940-; FAIA 1951.
Thiry, Paul Albert, II    WA    AIA 1971-
Paul Thiry (firm)    WA
Thistlethwaite, David R.    MN; CA    AIA 1978-
Thliveris, Tom Andrew    UT    AIA 1962-1970
Thoben, Henry Bernard    KY    AIA 1958-
Thodos, John Harry    OR    AIA 1969-
Thoenig, Roman Albert (d. 1977)    NJ    AIA 1959-
Thogmartin, Jon Brees    IA; CA    AIA 1976-
Thole, Edward Joseph, Jr.    IN    AIA 1977-
Thole, William L.    NY    AIA 1971-1973
Thoma, Elwood see Thoma, J. Elwood (John Elwood)    PA    AIA 1959-
Thoma, J. Elwood (John Elwood)    PA    AIA 1959-
Thoma, John Elwood see Thoma, J. Elwood (John Elwood)    PA    AIA 1959-
Thoman, John Everett    CA    AIA 1959-1969
Thomas, Aaron Lee    TX    AIA 1966-
Thomas, Albert B. (d. 1966)    CA    AIA 1946-
Thomas, Albert L.    TN    AIA 1973-1978
Thomas, Albert Sidney, Jr.    SC    AIA 1940-1947; 1973-1981
Thomas, Andrew J. (1875-1965)    NY    AIA 1921-; FAIA 1932.
Thomas, Arthur E. (d. 1965)    CT    AIA 1959-
Thomas, Arthur Elliott (d. 1973)    TX    AIA 1926-; FAIA 1950.
Thomas, Arthur George    MN    AIA 1967-1969
Thomas, Barbara Casey    WA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Thomas, Billy R., Sr.    AL    AIA 1977-
Thomas, Bruce C.    NM    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Thomas, Burton W.    NY; NH    AIA 1974-
Thomas, C. P.    IL    AIA 1872-1874
Thomas, Cathy Milstead    WV    Assoc. AIA 1976-
Thomas, Charles E. (1876-1957)    CO    AIA 1932-1943; 1945-
Thomas, Charles Gleason    OH    AIA 1942-1950
Thomas, Constantine N.    DC    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Thomas, D. Richard (David Richard)    OH    AIA 1954-
Thomas, David Richard see Thomas, D. Richard (David Richard)    OH    AIA 1954-
Thomas, Donald P. (d. 1970)    WA    AIA 1927-
Thomas, Dorwin Arthur Jackson    VT    AIA 1973-
Thomas, Douglas H., Jr. (1872-1915)    MD    AIA 1899-; FAIA 1909.
Thomas, Downing Allison (d. 2006)    TX; CA    AIA 1961-; FAIA 1982.
Thomas, Earl Douglas    TX    AIA 1975-
Thomas, Edward Lee    FL    AIA 1965-
Thomas, Edward Tim    TN    AIA 1964-1976
Thomas, Edward V., Jr.    LA    AIA 1974-1976
Thomas, Fred Howard (1928-1997)    NY; NJ    AIA 1970-
Thomas, Frederick    MD    AIA 1943-1957
Thomas, Frederick H.    DC    AIA 1974-
Thomas, George E.    MI; CT; DC    AIA 1955-1976
Thomas, George R. (d. 1988)    NH    AIA 1935-
Thomas, Gilbert W.    MD    AIA 1974-
Thomas, Glen H. (d. 1962)    KS    AIA 1929-1937; 1945-; FAIA 1957.
Thomas, Griffith    NY
Thomas, Harlan (d. 1953)    WA    AIA 1915-; FAIA 1935.
Thomas, J. Lynn    OH    AIA 1962-
Thomas, J. Sherman (1922-1999)    OH    AIA 1958-
Thomas, Jack see Thomas, J. Lynn    OH    AIA 1962-
Thomas, Jack Sydney    IL    AIA 1976-
Thomas, James Byron    TX    AIA 1968-; FAIA 1993.
Thomas, James L.    WY    Assoc. AIA 1977-1978; AIA 1978-
Thomas, James Lee (1929-2004)    SC    AIA 1956-; FAIA 1989.
Thomas, James O., Jr.    TX    AIA 1975-
Thomas, James Robert    NC    AIA 1957-1960; 1964-
Thomas, James Sherman see Thomas, J. Sherman (1922-1999)    OH    AIA 1958-
Thomas, James William, Jr. (1876-1973)    OH    AIA 1911-
Thomas, Joe, Jr.    TX    AIA 1957-
Thomas, John Blossom    NY    AIA 1969-
Thomas, John Downey (d. 1951)    PA    AIA 1901-
Thomas, John Dudley    TX    AIA 1964-1969
Thomas, John Hudson (1878-1945)    CA
Thomas, John Ivey    MN    AIA 1964-
Thomas, John Pickering (d. 1944)    ME    AIA 1921-
Thomas, John Robert    OK    AIA 1964-
Thomas, John Rochester    NY    AIA ; FAIA 1876.
Thomas, John Rochester    NY
Thomas, John Scott    NC    AIA 1954-1959
Thomas, John William    AL    AIA 1949-1958
Thomas, Joseph Brown, IV (d. 2007)    ME    AIA 1969-
Thomas, Joseph C., Jr.    CA    AIA 1965-1970
Thomas, Joseph Fleshman    TN; CA    AIA 1946-; FAIA 1970.
Thomas, Kenneth K.    NJ    AIA 1972-
Thomas, Kenneth Paul    VA    AIA 1971-
Thomas, Larry D.    MO    AIA 1976-
Thomas, Lee A. (d. 1953)    OR    AIA 1919-1924; 1936-1937; 1944-
Thomas, Leslie Hubert    NY    AIA 1968-
Thomas, Lester Isaac    MA    AIA 1961-
Thomas, Louis Anthony (d. 1955)    CA    AIA 1944-
Thomas, Louis Edward    TX    AIA 1968-
Thomas, Lynn see Thomas, J. Lynn    OH    AIA 1962-
Thomas, Marion Curtis    MD    AIA 1969-
Thomas, Mark A.    OK    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Thomas, Marvin L.    KS    AIA 1958-
Thomas, Michael Alfred    NC; SC    AIA 1973-
Thomas, Michael Dean    CA; Guam    AIA 1970-
Thomas, Oren (d. 1955)    IA; NJ    AIA 1927-1938; 1941-1944; 1946-
Thomas, Oren Richmond, Jr. (d. 1995)    NJ    AIA 1953-
Thomas, Paul Amandus, III    IL    AIA 1958-
Thomas, Ralph Sidney    GA    AIA 1948-
Thomas, Ramon LaVerne    SD    AIA 1963-1966; 1968-
Thomas, Raymond Frank    TX    AIA 1955-1964
Thomas, Richard see Thomas, D. Richard (David Richard)    OH    AIA 1954-
Thomas, Richard Banks    NY    AIA 1954-1963
Thomas, Richard Edward    NY    AIA 1970-1974
Thomas, Richard F.    OH    AIA 1975-
Thomas, Richard Wallace    TX    AIA 1976-
Thomas, Robert Carl    NJ    AIA 1965-
Thomas, Robert Hyle    CA    AIA 1944-
Thomas, Robert J.    MI    AIA 1977-
Thomas, Robert L.    OK    AIA 1969-
Thomas, Robert L. (d. 1996)    MO    AIA 1979?-
Thomas, Robert Maurice (d. 1991)    CA    AIA 1957-1975; 1977-
Thomas, Roy L. (1886-1968)    TX    AIA 1930-
Thomas, Samuel Martindale    WA; MT    AIA 1970-1972; 1973-1975
Thomas, Stephen    SC    AIA 1936-1942
Thomas, Stephen Dudley (d. 1998)    OH; NC    AIA 1972-
Thomas, Terrell Richard    MT    AIA 1977-
Thomas, Theodore Alton    CA    AIA 1955-1969
Thomas, Theodore G.    IL    AIA 1947-
Thomas, Thomas    NY
Thomas, Timothy F.    UT    AIA 1975-
Thomas, Tom J.    MI    AIA 1971-
Thomas, Trent (d. 1951)    NM    AIA 1948-
Thomas, Wallace Bate (1919-2005)    TX    AIA 1951-
Thomas, Walter Grant (d. 1969)    NY    AIA 1927-
Thomas, Walter Horstmann (1876-1948)    PA    AIA 1907-; FAIA 1930.
Thomas, Ward Johnston (d. 2000)    CA    AIA 1955-
Thomas, William A. (d. 1990)    CA    AIA 1956-
Thomas, William Allen    TN    AIA 1962-1974
Thomas, William C.    OK    AIA 1976-
Thomas, William David    CA    AIA 1977-
Thomas, William Frederick (d. 1986)    UT    AIA 1942-
Thomas, William John (1906-1996)    CA    AIA 1958-
Thomas, William R.    DC    AIA 1975-1976
Thomas, William Richard    SD    AIA 1969-
Thomas & Baar (firm)    WA
Thomas & Benjamin & Clayton (firm)    NE
Thomas, Booziotis & Assocs. (firm)    TX
Thomas-Driscoll-Hutton, Inc. (firm)    GA
Thomas, Harris, Ash & Mason (firm)    KS
Thomas-Harris-Calvin (firm)    KS
Thomas & Hutton & Assocs. see Thomas-Driscoll-Hutton, Inc. (firm)    GA
Thomas & Jameson (firm)    TX
Thomas, Jameson & Merrill (firm)    TX
Thomas, Johnson & Isley (firm)    KS
Thomas, Kolbe, Thomas, Poponi (firm)    NJ
Thomas & Leydenfrost (firm)    CA
Marion Thomas Assocs. (firm)    MD; TX
Thomas & Moll (firm)    OH
Thomas & Nowell (firm)    GA
Thomas & Richardson (firm)    CA
Susie W. Thomas (firm)    GA
Thomases, Stephen Wolff    NJ    AIA 1965-1968
Thomason, Claude Wayne    IL    AIA 1946-
Thomason, Clifton D.    TX    AIA 1975-
Thomason, George Albert    TN    AIA 1968-1972
Thomason, Richard Edward    IN    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Thomasson, George C., Jr.    WV    Assoc. AIA 1975-
Thomasson, Margaret Evelyn Pinkston    TN    AIA 1967-
Thomen, James Travis (1904-1989)    DC    AIA 1947-1972
Thometz, Frank M., Jr. (d. 1999)    CA    AIA 1960-
Thominet, Maurice J. (d. 1996)    IL    AIA 1975-; FAIA 1986.
Thompsen, Dennis Russell    IL    AIA 1963-1967; 1974-
Thompson, A. Kimbal (Arthur Kimbal)    HI    Assoc. AIA 1978; AIA 1978-
Thompson, Abbott W.    PA    AIA 1973-1977
Thompson, Arnold Wilbur    IL; NY; CT    AIA 1954-
Thompson, Arthur Kimbal see Thompson, A. Kimbal (Arthur Kimbal)    HI    Assoc. AIA 1978; AIA 1978-
Thompson, Arthur Robert    PA    AIA 1967-
Thompson, Barry Allen    TX    AIA 1967-
Thompson, Benjamin (1918-2002)    MA    AIA 1963-; FAIA 1975.
Thompson, Brent see Thompson, J. Brent    AR    AIA 1975-
Thompson, Bryan Gordon    OK    AIA 1978-
Thompson, Charles Boisfevillet    GA
Thompson, Charles G.    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Thompson, Charles Glover    MA; GA    AIA 1965-
Thompson, Charles Herbert, Jr.    TX    AIA 1962-
Thompson, Charles L.    AR    AIA 1900-1937
Thompson, Charles Lynn    TX    AIA 1966-
Thompson, Charles Samuel    GA    AIA 1971-
Thompson, Darrell Eugene    MS    AIA 1977-
Thompson, Donald Eliot    FL    AIA 1968-1976
Thompson, Edward Allan (d. 1976)    CA    AIA 1962-
Thompson, Elisabeth Kendall (1910-1998)    CA    AIA 1957-; FAIA 1968.
Thompson, Elizabeth Ellen (d. 2003)    MN    AIA 1985-
Thompson, Ernest Clark    NY    AIA 1964-1973
Thompson, Evan Arthur (d. 1988)    IL    AIA 1952-
Thompson, Frank L.    MO
Thompson, Frank Rogers    NE    AIA 1966-
Thompson, Fred (d. 1973)    NJ    AIA 1942-
Thompson, Gary see Thompson, R. Gary    TX    AIA 1977-
Thompson, Gene    FL    AIA 1958-1971
Thompson, George Anthony    LA    AIA 1946-1950
Thompson, George Harold    MI    AIA 1944-1957
Thompson, George Kramer    NY
Thompson, George Randall    LA; TX    AIA 1949-
Thompson, George W. (1835-1910)    TN    WAA 1886; AIA 1889-; FAIA 1889.
Thompson, George W.    NY    AIA 1960-1969
Thompson, H. C. (d. 1915)    TN    WAA 1886; AIA 1889-; FAIA 1889.
Thompson, H. Stewart    MO    AIA 1965-1970; 1973-
Thompson, Harlyn Elwood    ND; NJ    AIA 1968-
Thompson, Harold Fong    TN    AIA 1972-
Thompson, Harold G. (1922-1976)    ID    AIA 1963-
Thompson, Harold Lane    LA    AIA 1953-
Thompson, Harry E.    VA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Thompson, Herbert Henry    IN    AIA 1964-
Thompson, Howard Francis    CA    AIA 1964-
Thompson, Hubert Elton    GA    AIA 1969-
Thompson, Iverson Gayden (d. 1957)    TX    AIA 1940-
Thompson, J. Brent    AR    AIA 1975-
Thompson, J. Nelson (d. 1979)    TX    AIA 1978-
Thompson, J. Wilmer (d. 1948)    PA    AIA 1942-
Thompson, Jack Dean    IA    AIA 1958-
Thompson, James Edward (d. 1976)    NJ    AIA 1965-
Thompson, James Grannis    MN    AIA 1968-1975
Thompson, James Harrison Wilson    DE; NC    AIA 1935-1941
Thompson, James J.    MT    AIA 1974-
Thompson, Jennifer Heepe see McCann, Jennifer H.    DE    AIA 1974-
Thompson, John A.    MO    AIA 1968-
Thompson, John Ambrose (1876-1968)    NY    AIA 1921-
Thompson, John Frank    NC    AIA 1976-
Thompson, John Lee    NC    AIA 1946-
Thompson, John Moomaw    VA    AIA 1938-
Thompson, John R., Jr.    NY; PA    AIA 1955-
Thompson, John Rowland    TX    AIA 1955-
Thompson, John William    GA    AIA 1954-
Thompson, Joseph W.    TN    AIA 1978-
Thompson, Julian Victor (d. 1974)    CA    AIA 1971-
Thompson, Kenneth Charles    AZ    AIA 1970-1974
Thompson, Kenneth Theodore (d. 1981)    CA    AIA 1955-
Thompson, Kermit Duncan    CT    AIA 1972-
Thompson, Kimbal see Thompson, A. Kimbal (Arthur Kimbal)    HI    Assoc. AIA 1978; AIA 1978-
Thompson, L. Polly Povey (Lillian Polly Povey)    MA; OR    AIA 1945-
Thompson, L. S.    NJ    AIA ; FAIA 1890.
Thompson, Lawrence Erle    CA    AIA 1971-1973; 1975-
Thompson, Leonard Rockett    GA    AIA 1977-
Thompson, LeRoy William (d. 1974)    IL    AIA 1947-
Thompson, Lewis Irvine    OR; NY    AIA 1916-1927
Thompson, Lillian Polly Povey see Thompson, L. Polly Povey (Lillian Polly Povey)    MA; OR    AIA 1945-
Thompson, Magnus    DC; VA    AIA 1935-1939
Thompson, Marcel E.    NJ    AIA 1962-1967
Thompson, Martha Ann Cassell (1925-1968)    DC
Thompson, Martin E. (1787-1877)    NY
Thompson, Matthew Ralph    WA    AIA 1965-
Thompson, Milo H.    MN    AIA 1973-; FAIA 1984.
Thompson, Neil see Thompson, W. Neil    DC    Assoc. AIA 1974-1976
Thompson, Neil Stuart    CA    AIA 1975-
Thompson, Neill Parson    VA    AIA 1947-1950
Thompson, Nelson see Thompson, J. Nelson (d. 1979)    TX    AIA 1978-
Thompson, Noel E. (d. 1984)    WA    AIA 1941-
Thompson, Norman F.    IL    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Thompson, Paul Francis    LA    AIA 1967-1971
Thompson, Philip    OR    AIA 1978-
Thompson, Polly see Thompson, L. Polly Povey (Lillian Polly Povey)    MA; OR    AIA 1945-
Thompson, R. Gary    TX    AIA 1977-
Thompson, Raymond Kermit    MA; OR    AIA 1939-
Thompson, Raymond Sidney (d. 1989)    IN    AIA 1945-; FAIA 1989.
Thompson, Reba (d. 1974)    NY    AIA 1951-
Thompson, Rebecca Hull see Thompson, Reba (d. 1974)    NY    AIA 1951-
Thompson, Richard William    CA; OK    AIA 1948-1953; 1978-
Thompson, Robert C. (1952-2009)    NY AIA 1981-
Thompson, Robert E.    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Thompson, Robert Edward (d. 2007)    CA; HI    AIA 1965-
Thompson, Robert Gale    TX    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Thompson, Robert Germain (1913-1985)    OR    AIA 1952-1971
Thompson, Robert Harper, Jr.    CA    AIA 1969-1971
Thompson, Robert M. (d. 1984)    NC    AIA ?-
Thompson, Robert N.    FL    AIA 1976-
Thompson, Robert Webster    VA    AIA 1948-
Thompson, Rolland Dinwiddie    NY    AIA 1956-; FAIA 1974.
Thompson, Romulus Hillard    GA    AIA 1957-
Thompson, Ronald Edwin    WA    AIA 1965-1973; 1974-1976
Thompson, Ronald Hugh    NY; CA    AIA 1970-
Thompson, Ronald Kay    PA    AIA 1961-1972
Thompson, Ronald Wesley    NC    AIA 1972-
Thompson, Rufus    OH    WAA 1884; AIA 1889-1899; FAIA 1889.
Thompson, Steve Colby    CA    AIA 1972-1978
Thompson, Stewart see Thompson, H. Stewart    MO    AIA 1965-1970; 1973-
Thompson, Stuart see Thompson, W. Stuart (William Stuart) (d. 1968)    NY; FL    AIA 1927-
Thompson, Theodore Nelson    CA    AIA 1949-1953
Thompson, Thomas Bunnell (d. 1985)    TX; DC    AIA 1949-
Thompson, Thomas Perrin    VA    AIA 1922-1929
Thompson, Victor King (d. 2007)    CA    AIA 1951-1970
Thompson, W. Neil    DC    Assoc. AIA 1974-1976
Thompson, W. Stuart (William Stuart) (d. 1968)    NY; FL    AIA 1927-
Thompson, Ward see Thompson, William Ward    PA    AIA 1975-
Thompson, Warren Douglas    CA    AIA 1972-; FAIA 1991.
Thompson, Whiting S. (d. 1986)    CA    AIA 1945-1973; 1975-
Thompson, William Albert, Jr.    VA    AIA 1971-
Thompson, William F.    NY    AIA 1922-1935
Thompson, William Heyl (d. 1974)    PA    AIA 1923-
Thompson, William Magill    NJ    AIA 1965-
Thompson, William P., Jr.    GA    AIA 1953-
Thompson, William R.    IL    AIA 1975-
Thompson, William Stuart see Thompson, W. Stuart (William Stuart) (d. 1968)    NY; FL    AIA 1927-
Thompson, Wilmer see Thompson, J. Wilmer (d. 1948)    PA    AIA 1942-
Thompson, Zane Furr (d. 1972)    NC    AIA 1971-
Benjamin Thompson & Assocs., Inc. (firm)    MA
W. Stuart Thompson & Phelps Barnum (firm)    NY
Thompson & Davies (firm)    NJ
Thompson & Hancock (firm)    GA
Thompson, Hancock & Hackworth (firm)    GA
John Ambrose Thompson (firm)    NY
Thompson-Kleinschmidt (firm)    LA
Thompson & Kolbo (firm)    ID
Thompson & Payne (firm)    VA
Victor Thompson & Robert Peterson, Assoc. (firm)    CA
David E. Thompson, Landscape Architect & Philip D. Thompson, Architect, Assocs. (firm)    OR
Raymond Kermit Thompson & Polly Povey Thompson see Thompson & Thompson (firm)    OR
Raymond Kermit Thompson & Polly Povey Thompson (firm)    OR
Thompson & Thompson (firm)    OR
Thompson, Ventulett & Stainback, Inc. (firm)    GA
Thomsen, Charles Burton    TX; NY    AIA 1967-; FAIA 1979.
Thomsen, Charles Edwin    NY    AIA 1964-
Thomsen, Harry Alexander, Jr. (1886-1979)    CA    AIA 1944-
Thomson, A. Brooke    PA    AIA 1962-1967
Thomson, Andrew Grierson (1838-1911)    NY    AIA 1896-; FAIA 1896.
Thomson, Brooke see Thomson, A. Brooke    PA    AIA 1962-1967
Thomson, Charles L.    AR    AIA 1900-
Thomson, Douglas Fraser (d. 1988)    NJ    AIA 1957-
Thomson, George    CA    AIA 1963-1968
Thomson, H. B. (Henry Bowers) (d. 1974)    TX    AIA 1916-1925; 1952-
Thomson, Henry Bowers see Thomson, H. B. (Henry Bowers) (d. 1974)    TX    AIA 1916-1925; 1952-
Thomson, James C.    KS    AIA 1978-
Thomson, James Reid    PA    AIA 1969-1971
Thomson, James Renwick (1891-1968)    NY    AIA 1929-1938; 1946-
Thomson, John Blair    PA    AIA 1945-1956
Thomson, John Douglas    CA    Assoc. AIA 1977-
Thomson, John Herndon (d. 1974)    LA    AIA 1922-
Thomson, Lawrence Gilmore (d. 1985)    CA    AIA 1946-
Thomson, Peter S. (d. 1954)    PA    AIA 1942-
Thomson, Peter V.    FL; NY    AIA 1974-
Thomson, Robert Frederic    NJ    AIA 1969-
Thomson, Russell Kelvin, Jr.    PA    AIA 1969-
Thomson, Steven Eugene    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Thomson, Steven G.    OR    AIA 1978-
Thomson, Thomas Leonard    MO    AIA 1975-
Thomson, William Conner (d. 1990)    GA    AIA 1948-
Thompson, William Ward    PA    AIA 1975-
Thomson & Sanders (firm)    GA
Thomson, Smith & Sanders (firm)    GA
Thon, Raymond Albert    MT    AIA 1956-
Thonis, Anthony Peter    CA    AIA 1956-1963
Thonis, Harrison & Wolfe (firm)    CA
Thorbeck, Duane    MN    AIA 1967-; FAIA 1984.
Thoresen, Simon Rolf    NY    AIA 1977-
Thorman, David Frederick    TX    AIA 1968-
Thorman, Otto H. (d. 1966)    TX    AIA 1919-1928; 1947-
Thorman, Steven M. (d. 2004)    IA    AIA 1978-
Thormin, Anthony Peter (d. 1984)    OH; CA    AIA 1936-
Thorn, Allan Stewart    DC    AIA 1938-1944
Thorn, Craig Barton    FL    AIA 1961-
Thorn, Edward Stanton (d. 1989)    TN    AIA 1946-
Thorn, Eric G.    NY    AIA 1945-1955
Thorn, F. G.    OA    AIA 1870-1889; FAIA 1876.
Thorn, Gert Dieter    NY    AIA 1974-
Thorn, Hother Bradford    CT    AIA 1964-1978
Thorn, Louis F.    NY    AIA 1944-1960
Thorn & Howe (firm)    TN
Thorn, Howe, Stratton & Strong Architects, Inc. (firm)    TN
Thorn & Reed (firm)    FL
Thornberg, Frederick K. (d. 2005)    NJ; MD    AIA 1965-
Thornburg, David C. (d. 1991)    OH    AIA 1989-
Thornburg, Henry Leroy (d. 1987)    VA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Thornbury, Daniel Kent    CA    AIA 1978-
Thorne, A.    IL    AIA 1874-1889
Thorne, A. Thomson C. (Alexander Thomson Crago) (d. 1960)    OK    AIA 1927-
Thorne, Alexander Thomson Crago see Thorne, A. Thomson C. (Alexander Thomson Crago) (d. 1960)    OK    AIA 1927-
Thorne, Charles W., Jr.    NJ    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Thorne, Edwin C.    CA    AIA 1921-1929
Thorne, Henry Calder    NY    AIA 1928-1940
Thorne, James Markham    CA    AIA 1967-
Thorne, Thomson see Thorne, A. Thomson C. (Alexander Thomson Crago) (d. 1960)    OK    AIA 1927-
Thornley, John Stone    NY    AIA 1944-1953
John Stone Thornley-A.I.A. Architect (firm)    NY
Thornquist, Edwin Alton    IA    AIA 1946-1960
Thornton, Elwood J., III    MD    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Thornton, Franklin Wilberforce    CA    AIA 1969-
Thornton, H. Newton (Harry Newton) (d. 1924)    ID; CA    AIA 1920-
Thornton, Harry Newton see Thornton, H. Newton (Harry Newton) (d. 1924)    ID; CA    AIA 1920-
Thornton, Jerry Milton    CA    AIA 1965-
Thornton, John C. (d. 1980)    MI    AIA 1927-
Thornton, Maurice Emerson (d. 1986)    IN; FL    AIA 1926-1928; 1946-
Thornton, Newton see Thornton, H. Newton (Harry Newton) (d. 1924)    ID; CA    AIA 1920-
Thornton, Richard Leon    NC    AIA 1978-
Thornton, Roy John    CT    AIA 1970-1975
Thornton, William (1759-1828)    PA
Thornton, William Ferguson (1901-1981)    IL
Thorp, Alfred H. (d. 1918)    NJ    AIA 1870-; FAIA 1889.
Thorp, Charles S. (d. 2003)    PA    AIA 1984-
Thorp, J. Greenleaf    NY
Thorp, Roger M.    CO    AIA 1978-
Thorpe, John Garrett    IL    AIA 1975-
Thorpe, Thomas W.    CO    AIA 1977-
Thorpe, William Franklin, Jr.    TX    AIA 1961-
Thorsell, Carl Philip    NY    AIA 1967-1975
Thorsen, C. Everett    MN    AIA 1960-1972
Thorsen, Everett see Thorsen, C. Everett    MN    AIA 1960-1972
Thorsen, Hugo S. (d. 1998)    FL    AIA 1969-
Thorsen, Thomas Vincent    PA    AIA 1969-1971
Thorsen, Willard Lien (1924-1999)    MN    AIA 1955-
Thorsen & Thorshov (firm)    MN
Thorshov, Olaf (d. 1928)    MN    AIA 1920-
Thorshov, Roy Norman (1905-1992)    MN    AIA 1936-; FAIA 1974.
Thorshov & Cerny (firm) see The Cerny Associates, Inc. (firm)    MN
Thorshov & Cerny, Inc. see The Cerny Assocs. Inc. (firm)    MN
Thorsland, John Henry    NY; CA    AIA 1948-1953
Thorsnes, Lars Reinhart    CA    AIA 1964-1972
Thorson, George A. (d. 1992)    CO    AIA 1963-
Thorson, Oswald Hagen    IA    AIA 1945-; FAIA 1965.
Thorson, Robert Leon (1930-1992)    NY    AIA 1961-
Thorson, Thorwald (d. 1962)    IA    AIA 1927-
Thorson & Brom (firm)    IA
Thorson-Brom-Broshar-Snyder, Architects, Inc. (firm)    IA
Thorson Gjelten & Schellberg (firm)    IA
Thorson & Thorson (firm)    IA
Thorson, Thorson & Madson see Gjelten, Schellberg & Assocs., Inc. (firm)    IA; MN
Thorson, Thorson & Madson see Thorson & Brom (firm)    IA
Thorson, Thorson & Madson see Thorson Gjelten & Schellberg (firm)    IA
Thorson, Thorson & Thorson see Gjelten, Schellberg & Assocs., Inc. (firm)    IA; MN
Thorstenson, Jon P.    MN    AIA 1978-
Thorud, Bert M. (d. 1970)    AZ    AIA 1960-
Thoryk, Paul T.    CA    AIA 1971-
Thrall, William Francis (d. 1979)    MI    AIA 1965-
Thrane, Ivan    MD    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Thrane, Philip Welsh    IL    AIA 1976-
Thrapsimis, Angelos Gust    IN    AIA 1968-1975
Thrasher, J. Marion (Joel Marion) (d. 1963)    AL    AIA 1949-
Thrasher, Joel Marion see Thrasher, J. Marion (Joel Marion) (d. 1963)    AL    AIA 1949-
Thrasher, Marion see Thrasher, J. Marion (Joel Marion) (d. 1963)    AL    AIA 1949-
Threadgill, John Lewis    KY    AIA 1965-
Thresher, Minord Sprague, Jr.    CA; DC    AIA 1961-1978
Thron, Blair K., Jr.    NJ    AIA 1974-
Thrower, James Robert    NC    AIA 1924-1928
Thrower, John E.    PA    AIA 1976-
Thruston, Wallace Bryan    TX    AIA 1974-
Thuillez, David E.    KS    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Thulin, Frederick Adolph, Jr.    IL    AIA 1956-
Thulin, Walter Ernest    MI    AIA 1946-1952
Thulin, Woods, Allison & Werninghaus, Inc. (firm)    IL
Thum, Frederick Charles    France    AIA 1955-1958
Thuman, Francis Joseph (d. 1959)    MD    AIA 1943-
Thumel, A. B. (d. 1955)    FL; Philippines; TX; NY; MD    AIA 1925-
Thun, Eugene William    NJ; PR; NY    AIA 1957-
Thun, Gertrude Luise    NY    Assoc. AIA 1976-
Thun, Hans Herman    IL    AIA 1968-
Thun, Hans-Ulrich    NY    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Thurber, George Scott    CA    AIA 1955-1972
Thurber, Marlys see Bush-Thurber, Marlys    NM    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Thurber, Ronald Waldo    ID    AIA 1971-
Thurman, Allen D.    WA    AIA 1969-
Thurman, Edward Blair    CA; DC; VA    AIA 1965-
Thurman, George Wayne    CA    AIA 1974-
Thurman, Henry L.    LA    AIA 1968-
Thurmer, Rigomar A.    CO    AIA 1968-
Thurston, William A.    IL    AIA 1975-
Thuyns, Frans R.    WA    AIA 1976-
Thwaites, Joseph W.    KY
Thweatt, Albert A.    TN    AIA 1975-
Thweatt, Gilbert W.    TX    AIA 1963-