Strickland, Brigham & Eldredge (firm)


Strickland, Brigham & Eldredge


State: MA

This record has not been verified for accuracy.

Firm History Sources

Successor to:
Strickland & Strickland; Brigham & Eldredge
American Architects Directories:
Listing in 1962 American Architects Directory

Related Records

Brigham/Eldredge/Limon/Hussey (firm)
Charles Rutan Strickland
Richard Curtis Brigham
Joseph Lippincott Eldredge

Archival Holdings

Boston Public Library, Special Collections, Central Library
Strickland, Charles and Strickland, Brigham, and Eldredge Collections
Original drawings, office/project files, and photographs of these Boston-based firms (early 1900's-1970's). For more information
