Henrietta C. Dozier (1872-1947)


Dozier, Henrietta C.
Variant Name
Dozier, H. C.

Personal Information

Birth/Death:    1872-1947
Gender:    Female
Occupation:    American architect
Location:    Atlanta, GA; Jacksonville, FL

AIA Affiliation

Member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) 1905-1928

Biographical Sources

Biographical Directories:
Entry in Sarah Allaback, The First American Women Architects (University of Illinois Press, 2008)

Related Records

Archival Holdings

The American Institute of Architects Archives
      Membership file contains correspondence regarding dues, an issue involving a commission, her library, and address changes. Her 1905 membership application is not in the AIA Archives; there are gaps in the records from that era.
      Henrietta Dozier was the third woman to join the AIA. She served as the secretary of the Atlanta Chapter 1910-1912, and as the first secretary-treasurer for the newly created Florida Chapter starting in 1921. There is likely routine correspondence from her in the AIA's files of correspondence from the chapters to the national office, which has not been scanned for this record.

Library of Congress
      Transcript of 1939 interview from the Federal Writers' Project is available online http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/wpaintro/wpahome.html

Haydon Burns Library, Jacksonville, Florida
       Henrietta C. Dozier Papers


Susan Hunter Smith, "Women Architects in Atlanta, 1895-1979," Atlanta Historical Journal 23 (Winter 1979-80): 85-108.
"Henrietta C. Dozier," in The South Carolina Architects, 1885-1935, ed. by John E. Wells and Robert E. Dalton (Richmond, VA: New South Architectural Press, 1992).
Elizabeth P. Stanfield, "A Pioneering Spirit: Harry Dozier, Atlanta's First Woman Architect," in Southern Homes (July/August 1986): 102, 104, 106.