Murphy, Joseph Denis
Birth/Death: b. 02 June 1907 - d. 11 Jan. 1995
Occupation: American architect
Location: Kansas City, MO; St. Louis, MO
Member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) 1937-decease
Fellow of the American Institute of Architects (FAIA) 1957
American Architects Directories:
Biographical listing in 1956 American Architects Directory
Biographical listing in 1962 American Architects Directory
Biographical listing in 1970 American Architects Directory
Partner of Eugene J. Mackey
The American Institute of Architects Archives
Membership file contains membership application, Fellowship nomination, correspondence regarding chapter transfer and emeritus (retired) status, photo for use with Fellowship announcement, obituary published in AIArchitect. Letters in support of Fellowship have been scanned as a separate file due to size.