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Hu, Gilman Kee Mun    HI    AIA 1962-
Hu, Theodore    MI    AIA 1971-
Huahn, Stephen D.    CA    AIA 1971-
Huang, Joseph H. C.    WA    AIA 1977-
Hub, William C. (d. 2004)    KY    AIA 1975-
Hubach, Carl Clark (d. 1985)    TX    AIA 1952-
Huband, Henry Thomas (d. 1974)    VA    AIA 1945-
Hubbard, Bert C.    IL
Hubbard, Charles Allen, Sr.    TX; LA    AIA 1966-; FAIA 1989.
Hubbard, Charles Joseph, II (1922-1989)    VT    AIA 1958-1975
Hubbard, Edward A.    MA    AIA 1930-1951
Hubbard, James Orsborne    NV    AIA 1977-
Hubbard, John David    IL; IN    AIA 1956-1971
Hubbard, Joseph A.    AZ    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Hubbard, Kenneth Richard    IL    AIA 1977-
Hubbard, Robert J.    MI    AIA 1976-
Hubbard, Steven J.    CA    AIA 1973-
Hubbard, Thomas Dale    CA    AIA 1964-1972
Hubbard, Walter J. (1905-1980)    MO; FL    AIA 1943-1965; 1971-
Hubbard, Warren D.    OH    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Hubbard, William Quentin, Jr.    VA    AIA 1978-
Hubbard, Willis W. (d. 1986)    IL    AIA 1948-
Hubbard & Hyland (firm)    IL
Hubbart, Harold D.    KS    AIA 1978-
Hubbell, Benjamin S.    OH    AIA 1899-1929; FAIA 1907.
Hubbell, Benjamin S., Jr. (d. 1988)    OH    AIA 1922-1942; 1947-
Hubbell, Edward Lawrence    CO    AIA 1948-1957
Hubbell, James P.    TX    AIA 1916-1923
Hubbert, Wallace H. (d. 1948)    CA    AIA 1945-
Hubbs, James McLellan    GA    AIA 1978-
Hubbuch, Glenn Henry    KY    AIA 1974-
Hubby, Germain see Hubby, R. Germain (d. 1962)    CA    AIA 1905-
Hubby, R. Germain (d. 1962)    CA    AIA 1905-
Hubel, Robert W. (d. 1944)    NY; MI    AIA 1916-1930; 1942-
Hubenthal, James H.    WA    AIA 1967-
Hubenthal, John Graham    WA    AIA 1978-
Huber, Albert John (d. 1979)    NJ    AIA 1962-; FAIA 1973.
Huber, Delane C.    AZ    AIA 1977-
Huber, Duane Charles (d. 1994)    KS    AIA 1974-
Huber, G. A. (Gerald Arnold) (1927-2012)    IN    AIA 1959-1987
Huber, Gerald Arnold see Huber, G. A. (Gerald Arnold) (1927-2012)    IN    AIA 1959-1987
Huber, Hans Juergen    MA    AIA 1973-1977
Huber, Julius H.    IL    WAA 1884; AIA 1889-1905; FAIA 1889.
Huber, Loran F.    NM    AIA 1976-
Huber, Russell B.    NJ    AIA 1970-1976
Huber, Thomas F. (d. 1919)    OH    AIA 1914-
Huber, William Edward    PA    AIA 1944-1963
Joseph C. Huber, Jr. (firm)    IN
Huberland, Joshua (d. 1971)    NY    AIA 1962-
Huberman, Jeffrey Allen    NC    AIA 1969-; FAIA 1994.
Hubert, Derrick (d. 1949)    MI    AIA 1942-
Hubert, Ephraim    FL; MO    AIA 1970-
Hubert, Philip G.    NY
Hubert, Roberval Joseph (d. 1974)    MA    AIA 1953-
Huberty, Daniel J.    OR    AIA 1974-; FAIA 2000.
Huberty, John Arthur    CA    AIA 1948-1952
Hubertz, Richard Lucas    FL    AIA 1965-1969
Hubiak, Metro    CA    AIA 1959-
Hubner, Robert P.    CA    AIA 1978-
Huboi, Carl F.    WI    AIA 1957-1965
Huchthausen, John Theodore    NY    AIA 1946-1971
Huchthausen, Walter Johan Arthur (d. 1945)    MN    AIA 1940-
Huck, Joel Carter    TX    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Huckabee, John Daniel, Jr.    NC    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Huckabee, Tommie Jack    TX    AIA 1968-
Huckaby, Edward E.    TX    Assoc. AIA 1978-1979, AIA 1979- ; FAIA 2008.
Huckel, Samuel, Jr. (d. 1917)    PA    AIA 1881-; FAIA 1889.
Hucker, Robert Edward    TX    AIA 1947-
Hucker & Pargé (firm)    TX
Huddle, Norman Jack    OH; IN    AIA 1962-
Huddleston, Eric Trevor (d. 1977)    NH    AIA 1929-; FAIA 1953.
Huddleston, John McKean, Jr.    LA    AIA 1956-1974
Huddleston, Norman Harper    TX    AIA 1962-
Huddleston, Prentiss    FL    AIA 1944-1976
E. T. Huddleston (firm)    NH
Huddleston-Emerson-Stiller (firm)    LA
Prentiss Huddleston (firm)    FL
Huddleston, Satterfield, Evans & Mauney (firm)    FL
Hudgens, Richard B.    AL    AIA 1978-
Hudgins, George Ed. (d. 1993)    OK    AIA 1946-
Hudgins, Thompson, Ball & Assocs., Inc. (firm)    OK
Hudler, Herbert, Jr.    TX    AIA 1970-1974
Hudnut, Joseph (1884-1968)    AL; NY; VA; MA    AIA 1915-1945; 1951-1952
Hudson, A. Clark (Allen Clark) (d. 1990)    GA    AIA 1952-
Hudson, Allen Clark see Hudson, A. Clark (Allen Clark) (d. 1990)    GA    AIA 1952-
Hudson, Archer Everett (d. 1979)    NH    AIA 1948-
Hudson, Asa see Hudson, W. Asa (William Asa) (d. 1976)    CA    AIA 1923-1932; 1944-
Hudson, Chauncey F. (1888-1971)    NY    AIA 1921-
Hudson, Clark see Hudson, A. Clark (Allen Clark) (d. 1990)    GA    AIA 1952-
Hudson, David Crawford    MD    AIA 1975-
Hudson, Duncan G., Jr. (d. 1997)    CA    AIA 1977-
Hudson, Flynn E., Jr.    AL    AIA 1937-
Hudson, Frank D. (1868-1941)    CA    AIA 1902-
Hudson, George Clyde    FL    AIA 1965-
Hudson, Harry F.    NY    AIA 1917-1952
Hudson, Jack H., Jr. (d. 1996)    OK    AIA 1951-
Hudson, James Elmore    TX    AIA 1954-1958
Hudson, Keith Bishop Cleave (1901-1947)    AL    AIA 1945-
Hudson, Manchester see Hudson, W. Manchester (William Manchester) (d. 1979)    SC    AIA 1949-
Hudson, Raymond Keith    ID    AIA 1972-
Hudson, W. Asa (William Asa) (d. 1976)    CA    AIA 1923-1932; 1944-
Hudson, W. Manchester (William Manchester) (d. 1979)    SC    AIA 1949-
Hudson, William Asa see Hudson, W. Asa (William Asa) (d. 1976)    CA    AIA 1923-1932; 1944-
Hudson, William D.    CA    AIA 1975-
Hudson, William Jerry    LA    AIA 1976-
Hudson, William Manchester see Hudson, W. Manchester (William Manchester) (d. 1979)    SC    AIA 1949-
Hudson & Hudson Architects (firm)    NY
Hudson & Ingram (firm)    NH
Hudson & Root (firm)    FL
W. Manchester Hudson (firm)    SC
Hudspeth, Jimmy Dean    AR    AIA 1977-
Hudspeth, John B.    CA    AIA 1962-1971
Hueber, J. Murray (James Murray)    NY    AIA 1949-
Hueber, James Murray see Hueber, J. Murray (James Murray)    NY    AIA 1949-
Hueber, Murray see Hueber, J. Murray (James Murray)    NY    AIA 1949-
Hueber, Paul (d. 1943)    NY    AIA 1926-
Hueber, Paul Joseph, Jr.    NY    AIA 1964-1977
Hueber-Hares-Glavin Partnership (firm)    NY
Huebner, Louis Henry    IL    AIA 1951-1960; 1964-1976
Huebner, Wayne Gary    MA; WA    AIA 1972-
Huebner & Henneberg (firm)    IL
Huegel, Gerhard    NY    AIA 1964-1967
Huehls, Lloyd Brian    KY    AIA 1978-
Hueholt, Raymond LeRoy    IA    AIA 1959-
Hueppelsheuser, Clyde R. (d. 2005)    TX    AIA 1953-
Hueppelsheuser Assocs. (firm)    TX
Huerne, Prosper    CA
Huerta, Wally    TX    AIA 1973-
Huertas, Manuel J., Jr.    CA    AIA 1978-
Huesmann, Louis Baldwin (d. 1991)    MI    AIA 1943-
Huesmann, Louis Bernard (d. 1952)    NJ    AIA 1942-
Huesmann & Osborne see John F. & John A. Osborne (firm)    NY
Huettenrauch, Clarence    WI    AIA 1970-
Huettl, James A.    AK    AIA 1975-
Huey, George Owen    MN    AIA 1920-1927
Huey, William E., Jr.    AR    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Hufbauer, Clarence Clyde see Hufbauer, Clyde (d. 1994)    CA    AIA 1952-
Hufbauer, Clyde (d. 1994)    CA    AIA 1952-
Hufeisen, John Laurence    OH    AIA 1970-1972
Huff, Arthur Dean    KY    AIA 1962-
Huff, Clarence Wright, Jr. (d. 1989)    VA    AIA 1938-
Huff, Harry B.    AL    AIA 1957-1960
Huff, J. Richard    DC    AIA 1973-1975
Huff, John Terrell    GA    AIA 1957-
Huff, Richard see Huff, J. Richard    DC    AIA 1973-1975
Huff, Warren M., lll    MO    AIA 1978-
Huff, William Boyd    OH    AIA 1942-
Huff, William Wayne, III    TX    AIA 1976-
C. W. Huff, Jr. (firm)    VA
C. W. Huff, Jr., J. Carl Morris, Associated Architects (firm)    VA
W. B. Huff & Assocs. (firm)    OH
Huffaker, Stanley Dwayne    CA    AIA 1970-
Huffhines, Bill Shannon    TX    AIA 1966-
Huffman, David K., Jr.    TX    AIA 1978-
Huffman, Emerson Ira    OH
Huffman, J. Paul    CA    AIA 1978-
Huffman, John Arthur (d. 1994)    MO    AIA 1967-
Huffman, Michael Shedaker (d. 2006)    PA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Huffman, Paul see Huffman, J. Paul    CA    AIA 1978-
Huffman, Richard W.    PA    AIA 1978-; FAIA 1993.
Hufford, Albert Carson    PA    AIA 1968-
Huffstutter, Wayne E.    OR    AIA 1967-1972
Hufnagel, Leon C. (d. 2000)    PA    AIA 1946-
Hug, Mary Frances    KS    AIA 1978-
Hugenin, Roscoe C.    MT    AIA 1923-1931; 1935-1938; 1940-1945
Hugg, Louis Ryan, Jr.    KY    AIA 1967-
Huggard, Francis E.    WA    AIA 1945-1972
Hughes, Bobby Weldon    TX    AIA 1970-1971; 1977-
Hughes, Cecil see Hughes, T. Cecil    NJ    AIA 1921-1926
Hughes, Charles Evans    NY    AIA 1953-; FAIA 1982.
Hughes, Charles Scott Q., II    MD    Assoc. AIA 1977-
Hughes, Clayton    MN    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Hughes, David C.    OH    AIA 1977-
Hughes, David Huey    NY; NM    AIA 1957-
Hughes, David Lewis    TX    AIA 1973-
Hughes, George Randall see Hughes, Randall (d. 1972)    CA    AIA 1956-
Hughes, Gilles Joseph    PA    AIA 1962-1974
Hughes, Glenn Carroll    NC    AIA 1978-
Hughes, Harry D.    OH    AIA 1925-1937
Hughes, Harry William, Jr.    SC    AIA 1964-
Hughes, Henry George (d. 1961)    KS    AIA 1944-
Hughes, Herbert Dennis    CA    AIA 1969-
Hughes, Jack D.    GA    AIA 1978-
Hughes, James Bennett    MI    AIA 1946-1970
Hughes, James Floyd    PA    AIA 1973-
Hughes, James Garrett    FL    AIA 1972-1976
Hughes, James Michael    TX    AIA 1966-
Hughes, Jerry Wilbur    OH    AIA 1966-
Hughes, John Powell, III    VA    AIA 1966-
Hughes, John Tudor, Jr. (d. 1994)    MA    AIA 1965-
Hughes, Joseph Herbert    AZ    AIA 1959-1963
Hughes, LeRoy Lyman    TX; MO    AIA 1964-
Hughes, Marshall see Hughes, W. Marshall    PA    AIA 1931-1938
Hughes, Millard Eugene    CA    AIA 1960-1969
Hughes, Paul, Jr.    SC    AIA 1977-
Hughes, Raleigh James    NC    AIA 1921-1931
Hughes, Randall (d. 1972)    CA    AIA 1956-
Hughes, Raymond Palmer (d. 1979)    NY    AIA 1964-
Hughes, Richard Milton    VA    AIA 1973-
Hughes, Roger Coleman    KY    AIA 1970-1972
Hughes, Rufus Ralph, II    GA    AIA 1968-; FAIA 1992.
Hughes, Sue Smith    TN    AIA 1951-1961
Hughes, T. Cecil    NJ    AIA 1921-1926
Hughes, Talmage C. (d. 1963)    MI    AIA 1930-; FAIA 1946.
Hughes, Vincent B., Jr.    TX    AIA 1975-
Hughes, W. Marshall    PA    AIA 1931-1938
Hughes, Wallace Leon    TX    AIA 1972-1975
Hughes, Wayne Lawrence    VA    AIA 1976-
Hughes, William J., Jr.    CA    AIA 1972-
Hughes, William Jay, Jr.    LA    AIA 1954-
Hughes & MacCarthy, Inc. (firm)    MA
Talmage C. Hughes (firm)    MI
Hughlett, Donald Clemens    CT    AIA 1969-
Hugill, George Christian (d. 1956)    SD    AIA 1951-
Hugill-Blatherwick-Fritzel & Kroeger (firm)    SD
Hugman, Robert H. H. (1902-1980)    TX    AIA 1939-1960
Huh, Seung Hwae    MN    AIA 1978-
Huh, Stephan S. see Huh, Seung Hwae    MN    AIA 1978-
Hui, Sinclair Shui-Shing    TN    AIA 1977-
Huie, Ben Ying    AZ    AIA 1970-
Huie, Charles, Jr.    TX; CO    AIA 1949-1960; 1970-
Huie, Gerald N.    AL    AIA 1978-
Huie, Robert Pryor    OH    AIA 1973-
Hukill, William V., Jr.    IA    AIA 1961-1971
Hukill, Pfiffner, Alexander & Duenow, Architects & Engineers (firm)    IA
Hulbe, Hans Carl Max (d. 1974)    ID    AIA 1951-
Hulbert, Charles Raymond    PA    AIA 1963-1971
Hulbert, Richard Elliot    CA    AIA 1973-
Hulbert, Ronald Edward    WA    AIA 1966-1968
Hulfeld, Joseph John    IN    AIA 1953-
Huling, Robert Coleman (d. 1966)    NC    AIA 1961-
Hull, Charles W.    MA    AIA 1921-1935
Hull, Clifford Everett    MI    AIA 1975-1976
Hull, Denison B. (d. 2001)    IL    AIA 1928-
Hull, Emmett J. (d. 1957)    MS; FL    AIA 1925-
Hull, John Murdock, III    PA    AIA 1958-
Hull, Robert Edward    WA    AIA 1978-; FAIA 1992.
Hull, W. S. (d. 1924)    AL; MS    WAA 1887; AIA 1889-; FAIA 1889.
Hull, Washington (1866-1910)    NY    AIA 1899-; FAIA 1901.
Hull, William Roy    CA    AIA 1962-
Hull, Woodrow (d. 1985)    NE    AIA 1947-
Hulla, John    IL    AIA 1901-1917
Hulme, Norman (d. 1964)    PA    AIA 1930-1940; 1945-
Hulsebus, Bernhard L.    IL    AIA 1921-1934
Hulsey, Howel Bateman (d. 1951)    TN    AIA 1936-1938; 1946-
Hulsing, Dennis Ray    ND    AIA 1974-
Hulsken, Peter M. (d. 1949)    OH    AIA 1923-
Hulslander, John D.    MA    AIA 1949-1952
Hultsch, Walter W.    IL    AIA 1977-
Hulvey, Henry James    ID    AIA 1956-
Humberstone, Frederick P.    FL    AIA 1968-
Humbert, Robert K.    IL    AIA 1978-
Humble, Albert    NY    AIA 1927-1935
Humble, F. W.    NY    AIA 1884-1892; FAIA 1888.
Humbrecht, Harry Joseph (d. 1978)    IN    AIA 1947-
Humbrecht-Sherbondy & Assocs. (firm)    IN
Humburg, Howard Herman    IL; FL    AIA 1970-
Hume, Raphael (d. 1957)    NY    AIA 1944-
Hume, Thomas    CT    AIA 1962-
Hume, William H.    NY
Hummel, Arthur E.    PA    AIA 1968-
Hummel, B. W.    OR    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Hummel, Charles Frederick    ID    AIA 1956-; FAIA 1984.
Hummel, Frank K. (d. 1961)    ID    AIA 1950-
Hummel, Fred Ernest    CA    AIA 1958-; FAIA 1972.
Hummel, Frederick Charles (1884-1978)    ID    AIA 1950-; FAIA 1961.
Hummel, Fritz see Hummel, Frederick Charles (1884-1978)    ID    AIA 1950-; FAIA 1961.
Hummel, Roger A.    MI    AIA 1966-1974; 1975-
Hummel, Hummel, Jones & Shawver (firm)    ID
Hummel, Rasmussen & Love see Rasmussen & Love (firm)    CA
Humpert, Lawrence Joseph    OH    AIA 1978-
Humphrey, Donald Richard    MI    AIA 1955-1977
Humphrey, Fred M.    FL    AIA 1966-1971; 1977-
Humphrey, Freddie Mack see Humphrey, Fred M.    FL    AIA 1966-1971; 1977-
Humphrey, Howard, Jr.    GA    AIA 1950-1976
Humphrey, James Howard, Jr. see Humphrey, Howard, Jr.    GA    AIA 1950-1976
Humphrey, Jerrold Roberts    MD    AIA 1959-
Humphrey, Karl Eastman (1914-1974)    MN
Humphrey, Lawrence Grant    CA    AIA 1971-
Humphrey, Mark W.    WI    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Humphreys, Hugh Reginald    OK    AIA 1950-1974
Humphreys, John J.    CO
Humphreys, John S.    MA    AIA 1914-1940
Humphreys, John Wharton (d. 1972)    GA    AIA 1943-
Humphreys, Marvin Gerald    TN    AIA 1965-
Humphreys, Roger Alan    FL    AIA 1973-
Humphreys, William Charles    IL    AIA 1950-1959
Humphreys & Wilhoite, Architects & Engineers, Inc. (firm)    TN
Humphries, Charles Evans    AL    AIA 1955-
Humphries, Floyd F.    TX    AIA 1971-
Humphries, James Lamar, Jr.    TX    AIA 1970-1974; 1975-
Hundevadt, Robert Charles    FL    AIA 1974-
Hundley, James Goode, Jr.    FL    AIA 1957-1965; 1972-1973
Hundley, Philip see Hundley, S. Philip, Jr.    PA    AIA 1970-
Hundley, S. Philip, Jr.    PA    AIA 1970-
Hundrieser, Carl Edward    IL    AIA 1957-
Hundrieser & Neuberger (firm)    IL
Huneke, Ervin Coe (d. 2004)    IA    AIA 1951-
Hungate, Richard L.    OH    AIA 1974-
Hungerford, Charles Ellis (d. 1985)    DC    AIA 1949-
Hunnewell, Henry S.    MA
Hunsberger, Irving G.    MI    AIA 1957-1973
Hunt, Albert see Hunt, F. Albert (d. 1952)    NY    AIA 1944-
Hunt, B. F. (Benjamin Fortson) (1883-1961)    TN    AIA 1921-
Hunt, David Nathaniel    AZ    AIA 1972-
Hunt, Dudley see Hunt, William Dudley, Jr. (1922-1987)    LA; NY; DC; VA    AIA 1955-; FAIA 1969.
Hunt, Dwight Gordon    IA    AIA 1967-
Hunt, Edward Villareal    TX    AIA 1978-
Hunt, Eugene Lee    NM    AIA 1970-
Hunt, F. Albert (d. 1952)    NY    AIA 1944-
Hunt, Frank Bouldin (d. 1997)    CA    AIA 1948-; FAIA 1971.
Hunt, Henry Goodfellow    CT    Assoc. AIA 1978-1982; AIA 1960-1968
Hunt, J. Osborne (1885-1935)    NJ    AIA 1925-
Hunt, James A.    FL    AIA 1974-
Hunt, James C.    TX    AIA 1977-
Hunt, James M. (1915-1993)    GA    AIA 1949-; FAIA 1977.
Hunt, Jarvis    IL
Hunt, Jerry A., Jr.    TX    AIA 1978-
Hunt, John Wiggins    MS    AIA 1958-1963
Hunt, Joseph Howland (d. 1924)    NY    AIA 1915-
Hunt, Lawrence Oren (d. 1992)    NE    AIA 1970-
Hunt, Leigh (d. 1959)    WI    AIA 1921-; FAIA 1942.
Hunt, Milton Douglas (d. 1984)    WA    AIA 1968-
Hunt, Myron (1868-1952)    CA    AIA 1907-; FAIA 1908.
Hunt, Osborne see Hunt, J. Osborne (1885-1935)    NJ    AIA 1925-
Hunt, Raymond (d. 2002)    CT    AIA 1972-
Hunt, R. H. (Reuben Harrison) (1862-1937)    TN; TX    AIA 1921-
Hunt, Richard Howland (d. 1931)    NY    AIA 1891-; FAIA 1891.
Hunt, Richard Morris (1827-1895)    NY    AIA 1857-; FAIA 1857.
Hunt, Robert John    AZ    AIA 1976-
Hunt, Roland E. (d. 1957)    OH    AIA 1930-
Hunt, Sumner (1865-1938)    CA    AIA 1902-1918; 1920-; FAIA 1932.
Hunt, Thomas Arthur, Jr.    AL    AIA 1977-
Hunt, Waller S., Jr. (d. 2002)    VA    AIA 1978-
Hunt, Walter A. (1941-2016)    CA; CO; NY    AIA 1979-
Hunt, William Dudley, Jr. (1922-1987)    LA; NY; DC; VA    AIA 1955-; FAIA 1969.
Hunt, William E. (d. 1935)    CT    AIA 1908-
Hunt, William M.    NJ
Hunt, Caton & Holt (firm)    TN
Hunt & Chambers (firm)    CA
Hunt & Suffling (firm)    MS
Hunt-Thurman Assocs. (firm)    LA
Hunter, Albert R., Jr. (d. 1970)    CA    AIA 1946-
Hunter, Albert T.    CA    AIA 1973-1976; 1977-
Hunter, Benjamin M. (d. 1973)    MA    AIA 1968-
Hunter, Benjamin Robert    MO    AIA 1963-1974
Hunter, Cameron see Hunter, G. Cameron (George Cameron)    WV    AIA 1947-
Hunter, Carl John    IA; IL    AIA 1963-
Hunter, Charles A. (Charles August) (d. 1973)    CA    AIA 1927-1932; 1938-1940; 1941-
Hunter, Charles Richard    TX    AIA 1970-1972
Hunter, Clarence Ewell, Jr.    TX    AIA 1976-
Hunter, Don W. (Donald William)    MI; DC    AIA 1935-1939; 1941-
Hunter, Donald Edward    PA    AIA 1955-1977
Hunter, E. Kaye (Egerton Kaye)    PA    AIA 1942-1961
Hunter, Edgar see Hunter, H. Edgar (Harry Edgar)    IA    AIA 1917-1943
Hunter, Edgar Hayes, Jr. (1914-1995)    NH; NC    AIA 1952-
Hunter, Egerton Kaye see Hunter, E. Kaye (Egerton Kaye)    PA    AIA 1942-1961
Hunter, F. Jerome    OR    AIA 1961-
Hunter, G. Cameron (George Cameron)    WV    AIA 1947-
Hunter, George, Jr.    AL    AIA 1972-
Hunter, George Cameron see Hunter, G. Cameron (George Cameron)    WV    AIA 1947-
Hunter, H. Edgar (Harry Edgar)    IA    AIA 1917-1943
Hunter, Harbin F. (d. 1961)    CA    AIA 1936-
Hunter, Harold Herbert (d. 1978)    OH    AIA 1945-
Hunter, Harry Edgar see Hunter, H. Edgar (Harry Edgar)    IA    AIA 1917-1943
Hunter, Harry Edward    IN    AIA 1957-
Hunter, Herman T. (d. 1974)    OH    AIA 1945-
Hunter, James M. (d. 1986)    CO    AIA 1945-; FAIA 1957.
Hunter, James Norman see Hunter, Norman (d. 1958)    CA    AIA 1947-
Hunter, James Riddick (d. 1978)    GA    AIA 1964-1973; 1974-
Hunter, Jerome see Hunter, F. Jerome    OR    AIA 1961-
Hunter, John, Jr.    PA; DE    AIA 1928-; FAIA 1960.
Hunter, Joseph Leslie    MO    AIA 1969-
Hunter, Kaye see Hunter, E. Kaye (Egerton Kaye)    PA    AIA 1942-1961
Hunter, Leonard Le Grande (d. 1981)    MD; CA    AIA 1957-; FAIA 1968.
Hunter, Margaret King (1919-1997)    NH; NC    AIA 1956-
Hunter, Norman (d. 1958)    CA    AIA 1947-
Hunter, Paul Robinson (1906-1988)    CA    AIA 1942-; FAIA 1960.
Hunter, Peg see Hunter, Margaret King (1919-1997)    NH; NC    AIA 1956-
Hunter, Richard Benedict    LA    AIA 1968-1969
Hunter, Richard E.    PA    AIA 1972-
Hunter, Richard James (1922-2004)    CA    AIA 1954-
Hunter, Robert D.    IL    AIA 1974-
Hunter, Ted see Hunter, Edgar Hayes, Jr. (1914-1995)    NH; NC    AIA 1952-
Hunter, Thomas    MD    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Hunter, Vaughn L.    CA    AIA 1961-1966
Hunter, Vernon E.    ND    AIA 1974-
Hunter, Vincil F., Jr.    MO    AIA 1958-
Hunter, Vincil Francis, Sr.    MO    AIA 1956-
Hunter, W. E. N.    MI    AIA 1931-1937
Hunter, Wesley Darwin    NY    AIA 1924-1929
Hunter, William Harold    LA    AIA 1967-1970
Hunter, William Kendall, Jr.    FL    AIA 1966-
Hunter & Benedict (firm)    CA
Hunter, Caldwell & Campbell (firm)    PA
Hunter, Heiges & Assocs. (firm)    PA
Hunter, Heiges & Gross (firm)    PA
Hunter & Howard (firm)    OH
E. H. & M. K. Hunter (firm)    NH
Hunter-Hunter (firm)    MO
James M. Hunter & Assocs. (firm)    CO
Hunter, Rice & Engelbrecht (firm)    IA
Hunter & Shute (firm)    OR
G. Cameron Hunter & Zando, Martin & Milstead (firm)    WV
Hunting, Walter C.    NY    AIA 1901-1918
Huntington, Charles P.    NY    AIA 1911-1914
Huntington, Daniel Riggs    WA    AIA 1913-1931
Huntington, Franklin B.    NY
Huntington, G. H.    CO    AIA 1936-1943
Huntington, Glen David    IA    AIA 1971-
Huntington, Glen W.    CO    AIA 1921-1935
Huntington, Henry W.    CO    AIA 1927-1931
Huntington, John Willard (d. 1976)    CT; CA    AIA 1949-; FAIA 1971.
Huntington, Thomas Henry    AK    AIA 1975-
Huntington, William Reed (d. 1991)    NY; VT    AIA 1940-
Huntington, William Robert    NJ    AIA 1967-
Huntington & Darbee (firm)    CT
Huntley, Charles    WI    AIA 1978-
Huntley, James Benjamin    DC; MD    AIA 1957-1966
Hunton, John Heath    VA    AIA 1964-1976
Hunton, Tom Ricker (d. 1996)    FL    AIA 1965-1970
Huntress, Albert Senter    MA    AIA 1947-1952
Hunts, Larry David    CA    AIA 1968-
Huntsberry, Robert L.    CA    AIA 1972-
Hunyadi, Laszlo J.    IL    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Hupfer, John Charles, Jr.    CO    AIA 1963-1969
Hurd, James Fulton    AL    AIA 1946-
Hurd, Jim    OK    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Hurd, Lester (d. 1967)    CA    AIA 1926-
Hurd, Michael Dwane    DC    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Hurd, Robert Bruce    CT    AIA 1975-
Hurd, Thaddeus Baker    OH    AIA 1949-1961
Hurlbut, Larry Joe    MN; CA    AIA 1969-
Hurley, David Jeremiah    NY; CA    AIA 1958-1961; 1963-
Hurley, Gerald Douglas (d. 1984)    OR    AIA 1973-1976
Hurley, Granville Warner, Sr. (d. 1991)    DC    AIA 1955-; FAIA 1974.
Hurley, Jared Michael    CA    AIA 1972-
Hurley, Paul Joseph    MO    AIA 1968-
Hurley, Robert Mehan    CO    AIA 1966-1977
Hurley, Thomas Raymond    FL    AIA 1972-
Hurlock, Benny F.    KS    AIA 1971-
Hurni, Andre M.    NY    AIA 1977-
Hurr, Steven A.    NC    AIA 1974-
Hurry, Raymond A.    LA    AIA 1976-
Hurst, Homer T.    VA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Hurst, Robert R.    IN    AIA 1974-1976
Hurst, Samuel Thomas    LA; AL; CA    AIA 1950-; FAIA 1964.
Hurt, Charlie Deuel, Jr. (1918-1989)    VA    AIA 1948-1968; 1972-
Hurt, Edgar B. (1886-1970)    CA    1927-1935
Hurt, Fleming R., Jr. (1904-1987)    VA    AIA 1935-1942; 1944-
Fleming R. Hurt (firm)    VA
Fleming R. & C. D. Hurt, Jr. (firm)    VA
Hurt & Trudell (firm)    CA
Hurtubise, Richard L.    NY    AIA 1975-
Hurwitz, Myron Stuart    NY    AIA 1957-1960
Husain, Syed Vaheeduddin    CA    AIA 1962-; FAIA 1995.
Husmann, Robert Gene    TX    AIA 1971-
Huson, Louis Gordon    LA    AIA 1973-
Huson, Willis Edward (1888-1960)    CA    AIA 1959-
Hussander, Arthur F.    IL    AIA 1916-1931
Hussein, Mohamed E. T.    MN    AIA 1975-
Hussey, Christopher    MA    AIA 1971-
Hussey, Edward Bright (1897-1976)    CA
Hussey, James Edwin    WA    AIA 1955-
Hussman, Donald G.    MO    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Husson, Leon F.    PA    AIA 1969-
Hustad, Donald Edward    MN    AIA 1958-1974
Husted, Ellery (1901-1967)    NY; MA; DC    AIA 1936-1943; 1949-1952
Huston, Bruce    OH    AIA 1958-
Huston, J. Mack    IN    AIA 1975-
Huston, Mack see Huston, J. Mack    IN    AIA 1975-
Huston, Neal Gordon    OR    AIA 1976-
Huston, Paul James (d. 1974)    CA    AIA 1948-
Huston, Robert    CA    AIA 1971-
Huston Assocs. (firm)    OH
Huszagh, Ralph D.    IL    AIA 1927-1935
Hutchason, Arthur R.    CA    AIA 1923-1930; 1942-1972
Hutchason, Ross R. (d. 1978)    CA    AIA 1958-1972; 1977-
Hutchason, Willis Kenneth    CA    AIA 1954-
Hutchcraft, Clinton Edward    IN    AIA 1968-
Hutcherson, J. J.    KS    AIA 1978-
Hutcheson, Robert C.    FL    AIA 1968-
Hutcheson, William Alfred, Jr. (d. 2000)    CA    AIA 1966-
Hutchings, Bruce Lyman    IL    AIA 1973-
Hutchings, E. T. (Eusebius Theodore) (d. 1958)    KY    AIA 1916-
Hutchings, Eusebius Theodore see Hutchings, E. T. (Eusebius Theodore) (d. 1958)    KY    AIA 1916-
Hutchings, James Henry    DC    AIA 1958-1963
Hutchings, John Bacon (d. 1916)    KY    AIA 1914-
Hutchings, Sam C. (d. 2004)    WY    AIA 1947-
E. T. Hutchings (firm)    KY
Hutchins, Chester Eaton (d. 2007)    GA    AIA 1957-
Hutchins, Franklin H.    MA
Hutchins, James Edward (1890-1970)    FL
Hutchins, Mary Alice    OR; HI    AIA 1946-; FAIA 1997.
Hutchins, Ray Willard    KS    AIA 1962-1967
Hutchins, Robert Ayer    IL    AIA 1969-
Hutchins, Robert S. (d. 1990)    NY    AIA 1937-; FAIA 1952.
Hutchins, Thomas Harward see Hutchins, Tom Harward    NC    AIA 1950-1960
Hutchins, Tom Harward    NC    AIA 1950-1960
Hutchins, William P.    PA    AIA 1921-1927; 1935-1937
Hutchins & French (firm)    MA
Hutchinson, Bobby J.    MS    AIA 1975-
Hutchinson, Charles Kay    LA    AIA 1956-1963; 1967-1975
Hutchinson, George Alfred, Jr.    IL    AIA 1953-1974
Hutchinson, George Duane    NY    AIA 1961-
Hutchinson, Howard R. (d. 1949)    NY    AIA 1946-
Hutchinson, M.    Ontario Canada    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Hutchinson, Robert Franklin    IN    AIA 1946-1975
Hutchinson, Ronnie L.    NM    AIA 1975-
Robert Franklin Hutchinson (firm)    IN
Hutchison, Charles Allen    SC    AIA 1976-
Hutchison, Charles Milton    CA    AIA 1947-1957
Hutchison, D. H.    WV    AIA 1930-1935
Hutchison, David A.    CA    AIA 1976-
Hutchison, David R.    PA    AIA 1978-
Hutchison, Donald Perry    ID    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Hutchison, Frank Ray    TX    AIA 1965-
Hutchison, John Goodrich (d. 1965)    CA    AIA 1958-
Hutchison, John Harry    ME    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Hutchison, Joseph Beasley    TX    AIA 1949-1953
Hutchison, Marlin Douglas    MN    AIA 1957-1976
Hutchison, Stuart McDonald    MO    AIA 1970-
Hutchman, James Frederick    PA    AIA 1961-1971
Huth, Robert A.    MI    AIA 1975-
Hutman, Richard M.    MD; CA    AIA 1962-
Hutner, Laurence M., Jr.    CA    AIA 1965-
Hutner & Appel (firm)    CA
Hutsell, Dennis Alan    CA    Assoc. AIA 1978-
Hutt, Charles S.    MO    AIA 1960-
Hutton, Addison (1834-1916)    PA    AIA 1892-1909; FAIA 1892.
Hutton, Frank H.    NY    AIA 1907-1918
Hutton, George Sterling    CA    AIA 1967-
Hutton, James H.    AK    AIA 1977-
Hutton, Nathaniel Henry (1834-1907)    MD    AIA 1869-1875; FAIA 1870.
Hutton, William Rich (1826-1901)    MD
Huxley, Edgar LeRoy (d. 1989)    CA    AIA 1963-; FAIA 1989.
Huygens, Remmert W.    MA    AIA 1969-; FAIA 1985.
Huygens & Tappe Inc. (firm)    MA

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