Biographical/Historical Information:
Contributed by NCSU Libraries Special Collections Research Center:
In 1955, architect Jesse M. Page founded an architectural firm in Raleigh, North Carolina under the name Jesse M. Page & Associates. From its beginning, the small firm was involved in the design and construction of many educational and institutional facilities. Their numerous educational projects include primary and secondary schools throughout central and eastern North Carolina, often reflecting the different goals and needs required of rural and urban schools. This firm was a predecessor firm of Ballard, McCredie Associates.
During its history, the firm underwent several name changes. It was known by the following names during the periods indicated: Jesse M. Page & Associates, 1955-1964
Jesse M. Page & Associates, Inc. 1964-1974
Page, Polier, Flowers, Ballard & Branan, Inc., Architects 1974-1976
Polier, Flowers, Ballard & Branan, Inc., Architects 1976-1980
Polier, Ballard, Associates, P.A., Architects1980-1988
Ballard, McCredie, Elliott, Associates, P.A., Architects1988-1995
Ballard, McCredie, Associates, P.A., Architects1995-1998
Corporate partners in the firm included: Jesse M. Page, B.S. Architectural Engineering, N.C. State Univ., 1935
A. Lewis Polier, B.S. Architectural Engineering, N.C. State Univ., 1949
Joseph R. Flowers, B.S. Architectural Engineering, N.C. State Univ., 1947
Roger W. Ballard, B. of Architecture, N.C. State Univ., 1964
C. Frank Branan, B.S. Building Construction & B. of Architecture, Univ. of Florida, 1944, 1947
Robert J. McCredie, B.A. Environmental Design, N.C. State Univ., 1976 & B. of Architecture, Clemson Univ., 1980
Related Records
Jesse M. Page, Jr.
Jesse M. Page & Assocs. Inc. (firm)
Roger Wood Ballard
Archival Holdings
NCSU Libraries Special Collections Research Center
MC 00251 Ballard, McCredie Associates Records
These records document the architectural projects of Ballard, McCredie Associates from its beginning in 1955 until its dissolution in 1998. They consist primarily of architectural drawings, project files, photographs and slides. The commissions include primary and secondary schools, churches, banks, state and federal research laboratories and offices, and university buildings. The records survey 70 selected projects of the approximately 320 projects designed and constructed by the firm.
Link to online finding aid: http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/findingaids/mc00251/