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Sobczak, Joseph Michael MI AIA 1966-
Sobek, Durward Kenneth MT AIA 1973-
Sobel, Charlotte Brina WI; NH Assoc. AIA 1978-
Sobel, Herbert (d. 1981) IL AIA 1947-
Sobel, Robert TX AIA 1966-
Sobel, Walter Howard IL AIA 1945-; FAIA 1967.
Sober, Robert Patrick OK AIA 1978-
Sobey, Gifford E. (1907-1972) CA AIA 1947-
Gifford E. Sobey (firm) CA
Sobey and Green (firm) CA
Sobieray, Richard Joseph (d. 2005) IN AIA 1974-1978
Sockwell, Robert Nealy DC AIA 1976-
Socol, Alberto Jorge FL Assoc. AIA 1975-1976; AIA 1978-
Socolowsky, Alberto J. see Socol, Alberto Jorge FL Assoc. AIA 1975-1976; AIA 1978-
Soderberg, Curtis D. LA AIA 1978-
Soderburg, Paul Lawrence CA AIA 1960-
Soderstrom, David Allen OR AIA 1970-
Soenke, Edward Leonard IA AIA 1972-
Soenke, Louis George (d. 1993) IA AIA 1949-
Soenke & Wayland (firm) IA
Sofair, Meir PA; DC AIA 1962-
Soforenko, Robert Jack MA AIA 1963-1975
Sofranko, Michael Fredrick IN; MD AIA 1961-1974
Sogg, Allen OH AIA 1922-1928
Sogge, Ronald Chandler WA AIA 1970-
Sohl, Edward M., Jr. (d. 2006) CA AIA 1977-
Sohn, Dongwon CA AIA 1976-
Sohn, Herman M. (d. 1953) NY AIA 1929-1932; 1949-
Sohn, Jacques Frank OH AIA 1965-
Sohn, John G. C. (d. 1972) IN AIA 1942-
Sohns, Oscar Eugene CA AIA 1963-
Sokal, Joseph W. WY Assoc. AIA 1977-
Sokera, Felix J. DC Assoc. AIA 1978-
Soklow, Marvin B. NY AIA 1961-1962
Sokol, Irving Fred NY AIA 1962-1967
Sokol, Thomas Robert TX AIA 1978-
Sokoloff, David see Sokoloff, H. David (Hyman David) CA AIA 1962-; FAIA 1982.
Sokoloff, H. David (Hyman David) CA AIA 1962-; FAIA 1982.
Sokoloff, Hyman David see Sokoloff, H. David (Hyman David) CA AIA 1962-; FAIA 1982.
Sokoloff, Hamilton & Blewett (firm) CA
Sokoloski, Julian (d. 1954) LA AIA 1947-
Sokolove, Karol Stanley VA AIA 1966-
Soldan, Kenneth A. (d. 2006) NY AIA 1975-
Sole, George Jeremiah (1903-1973) NY AIA 1943-
Soled, Harry (d. 2004) NY AIA 1958-
Soler, Enrique Rafael, Jr. PR AIA 1962-
Soleri, Paolo (1919- ) AZ
Solfisburg, Roy John, III IL AIA 1972-; FAIA 1983.
Solheim, Selmer Alfred (d. 1979) NE AIA 1951-
Solis, Manuel M. FL AIA 1978-
Solka, Jack TX AIA 1966-
Soller, James F. IL AIA 1969-1974
Solner, Edward Adam WI AIA 1965-
Solochek, Arlen M. AZ Assoc. AIA 1978-
Solomita, Vincent J. MA AIA 1964-1971; 1977-
Solomita & Palermo Architects (firm) MA
Solomon, Daniel CA AIA 1970-; FAIA 1982.
Solomon, John Charles PA AIA 1966-1973
Solomon, Joseph H. NY; CO AIA 1964-1976; 1977-
Solomon, Louis Richard (d. 1971) IL AIA 1942-
Solomon, Melvin A. MO AIA 1969-
Solomon, Richard Jay (d. 2005) IL AIA 1977-; FAIA 1996.
Solomon, Richard L. TX AIA 1978-
Solomon, Stephen Charles NY AIA 1976-
Solomon, Stuart B. MA AIA 1972-; FAIA 1988.
L. R. Solomon / J. D. Cordwell & Assocs. Inc. (firm) IL
Solomon, Cordwell & Buenz Inc. (firm) IL
Solon, Thomas Edward PA AIA 1977-
SoloRio, John Ralph MI AIA 1970-
Soloway, William NY Assoc. AIA 1976-
Solstad, Erling W. (d. 1986) NJ AIA 1958-
Solstad & Boone & Assocs. (firm) NJ
Solstad & Meyer (firm) NJ
Soltan, Jerome IL
Soltan, Jerzy MA Assoc. AIA 1975-
Soltero Blanco, Ramon PR AIA 1973-1975
Soltero Cuebas, Sal Salvador PR AIA 1966-1972
Soltvedt, Lucian Edward MN
Som, Harry D. CA AIA 1968-1978
Som, Helen Y. F. Woo CA AIA 1974-1978
Som, Kalyan Kumar PA AIA 1974-
Harry D. Som, Helen W. Som (firm) CA
Somdal, Dewey Anderson (d. 1973) LA AIA 1939-; FAIA 1955.
Somdal, Smitherman, Sorensen, Sherman & Assocs. (firm) LA
Somers, John Clarence, Jr. (d. 1995) MD AIA 1953-
Somervell, Marbury see Somervell, W. Marbury DC; NY; France; CA AIA 1910-1929
Somervell, W. Marbury DC; NY; France; CA AIA 1910-1929
Somerville, John E. (d. 2004) WI AIA 1947-
Somerville, John Orville PA AIA 1945-1950
John E. Somerville Associates (firm) WI
Somes, Dana (d. 1953) MA AIA 1921-1929; 1935-
Somes, James Hamilton, Jr. NH AIA 1977-; FAIA 1995.
Somes, John E. MA
Somkuti, Istvan L. CA AIA 1972-1974
Sommer, Charles Bernard IL AIA 1945-1969
Sommer, Fred L. NY AIA 1959-1975
Sommerfeld, William F. MA AIA 1978-
Sommerich, Chester D. (d. 2006) MO; MD AIA 1939-
Sommers, Abner Llewellyn (d. 1985) IL; CA; HI AIA 1955-
Sommers, Anne Charmian FL AIA 1977-
Sommers, Matthew W. CA Assoc. AIA 1978-
Sommers, Norman Fred WI AIA 1964-
Sommerville, Clarence Ronald MI AIA 1977-
Sommerville, Robert J. Mi AIA 1974-
Sompayrac, Edwin D. (d. 1935) SC; NY; PA AIA 1912-
Somyak, William H. TX Assoc. AIA 1978-
Son, Hak Sik CA AIA 1977-; FAIA 2000.
Sonberg, Robert F. FL AIA 1974-1975
Sonder, Richard NY AIA 1959-
Sondles, James Edward OH AIA 1962-
Sonnemann, Alexander H. (1871-1956) DC AIA 1922-
Sonnenschein, Edmund Charles, Jr. DC; TX AIA 1962-
Sonnenthal, David Goetz PA AIA 1972-
Sonnichsen, Engelhart see Sonnichsen, S. Engelhart (Sonke Engelhart) (d. 1964) CA AIA 1941-
Sonnichsen, S. Engelhart (Sonke Engelhart) (d. 1964) CA AIA 1941-
Sonnichsen, Sonke Engelhart see Sonnichsen, S. Engelhart (Sonke Engelhart) (d. 1964) CA AIA 1941-
Sonnino, Caesar Augustus NY AIA 1965-1967
Sonntag, Gunter B. WA AIA 1976-
Sonoda, Douglas Kazuharu HI AIA 1975-
Sontheimer, Walter Matthew (d. 1985) CA AIA 1961-
Sook, George Franklin PA AIA 1943-1950
Soontup, Theodore Leon (d. 1991) NY; CA AIA 1945-
Sootaru, Armas CA AIA 1966-
Soper, Dudley E. (d. 1984) NY AIA 1954-
Soper, Frederick John CA AIA 1921-1943
Soper, Howard Smith NY AIA 1961-1976
Soper, Paul C., Jr. NY AIA 1974-1976; 1978-
Sopher, Marcus Sassoon CA AIA 1960-1963
Sopranzi, Donald Fred OH Assoc. AIA 1977-
Sorber, Charles Harvey (d. 1962) PA AIA 1927-
Sorber and Hoone (firm) PA
Sorce, John W. IL AIA 1975-
Sorensen, Abel Rafn NY; Denmark AIA 1965-1977; 1978-
Sorensen, Lawrence Bernhard (d. 1969) VA AIA 1965-
Sorensen, Leon Keith UT AIA 1976-
Sorensen, Roy E. (d. 1960) MN AIA 1947-
Sorensen, Steven MN Assoc. AIA 1978; AIA 1978-
Sorensen, Wesley Emanuel (d. 1988) MN AIA 1968-
Sorenson, Carl MN AIA 1978-
Sorenson, Gerald Duane CA AIA 1962-
Sorenson, Ken CA AIA 1973-
Sorenson, Marcus Keith UT AIA 1978-
Sorenson, Niels Chester (d. 1968) MI AIA 1919-
Sorey, C. Stewart OK AIA 1978-
Sorey, Lee (d. 1973) OK AIA 1937-; FAIA 1963.
Sorey, Stewart see Sorey, C. Stewart OK AIA 1978-
Sorey, Thomas L. (d. 1977) OK AIA 1937-
Sorey, Thomas L., Jr. OK AIA 1961-
Sorey, Hill, Binnicker, Architects & Engineers (firm) OK
Sorey, Hill & Sorey (firm) OK
Sorgatz, William David (d. 1989) IL; MA; KS AIA 1929-
Sorgen, Richard Jesse OH AIA 1975-
Soria, Jose Francisco VA AIA 1978-
Soriano, Raphael S. CA AIA 1948-; FAIA 1962.
Sorich, John CT AIA 1978-
Sorkin, Irwin Joseph CA AIA 1968-1971; 1973-
Sorkin, Jack MO AIA 1964-
Sornik, Maurice D. (d. 1974) NY AIA 1947-
Sorrell, Hubert J. HI Assoc. AIA 1978-
Sorrell, James McCown MS AIA 1976-
Sorrell, Russell NC AIA 1947-
Sorrells, David W. TX Assoc. AIA 1978-
Sorrenti, John R. NY Assoc. AIA 1975-1981; AIA 1981-; FAIA 1996.
Sorrentino, Joseph W., Jr. NJ Assoc. AIA 1978; AIA 1978-
Sosa, Jorge O. NY AIA 1973-
Sosenheimer, John Louis IN AIA 1957-
Sossin, Henry Joseph CA AIA 1970-
Sotis, Vincent S. NY AIA 1973-
Soto, Serafin John NY AIA 1964-1969
Soucek, Lambert James, Jr. IL; WI AIA 1946-
Lambert J. Soucek Jr., Architect (firm) IL
Souder, James Justice (d. 2006) DC; NY; CA AIA 1952-
Souder, Clark & Assocs., Inc. (firm) CA
Souers, Clark IA AIA 1929-1943
Soule, Charles Beckler MD AIA 1951-; FAIA 1974.
Soule, George Clifton NH AIA 1959-
Soule, R. Spencer see Soule, Robert S. (Robert Spencer) LA AIA 1909-1914; 1950-1956
Soule, Robert S. (Robert Spencer) LA AIA 1909-1914; 1950-1956
Soule, Spencer see Soule, Robert S. (Robert Spencer) LA AIA 1909-1914; 1950-1956
Soule, Winsor (1883-1954) CA AIA 1917-; FAIA 1940.
Soule Assocs. (firm) NH
Soule, Murphy and Hastings (firm) CA
Soulen, Robert William OH AIA 1957-
Sounik, Ralph OH AIA 1968-
Sounik, Eller & Martin (firm) OH
Souter, Stephen Raymond TX AIA 1974-; FAIA 2008.
South, Robert Jay WY AIA 1970-
Southard, R. P. OH AIA 1881-1889
Southerland, Louis Feno, Jr. TX; LA AIA 1937-1942; 1943-; FAIA 1956.
Southern, Herbert Bernard NJ AIA 1963-1976; 1978-
Southey, David Ludgate (1911-1974) CT; DC AIA 1950-
Southey, Ernest G. (1873-1945) CT AIA 1916-
Southgate, Donald W. (d. 1953) TN AIA 1920-
Southland, Ben H. CA AIA 1967-
Southwell, Arnold Ralph (d. 1903-1954) WA;CAFL; FL AIA OR AIA 1930-
Southwick, John D. OH AIA 1978-
Southworth, Frederic W. (1874-1954) DC AIA 1921-
Soverns, Wayne Amsden (1906-1993) NY AIA 1954-
Sövik, Edward Anders (1918-2014) MN AIA 1953-; FAIA 1967.
Sövik, Mathre & Madson (firm) MN
Sowden, George Swiler TX AIA 1946-; FAIA 1971.
Sowder, Robert Robertson WA AIA 1969-
Sowul, Bartholomew Allen NJ AIA 1972-1975
Soyejima, James Kohshiro DC AIA 1977-